They made a 3D Pokémon game... 20 years ago

Published 2024-03-12
Why did nobody tell me about this one?

All Comments (21)
  • @pavlosama2222
    When I saw the title, for a second I was like "damn, there was a 3d pokemon game in the 90s"
  • @pokeperson1000
    Tiny side note, in Pokémon games, you can in fact check the descriptions of moves mid battle, but only if you check from the stat summary page
  • @CharlesB147
    I think they said that this game was what they were going for, if Pokemon were designed in the style of a JRPG. It was one of my favorites growing up, and I just recently replayed it on the Dolphin emulator. It was still kinda grindy, but still held a good bit of that charm that I enjoyed as a young dude just enjoying Pokemon.
  • @doodboy100
    I think you'd like Grandia. Something about that artstyle, premise and the music really hits different for me
  • @chuckydee2951
    "I wanna try a Pokemon game" Gets the expensive one
  • @LoboRundas
    I am very glad you decided to try this one, it's one of my fave pokemon games (big part nostalgia and formative experience, big part also how unconventional it is) and it's very cool to see it get the spotlight
  • @kaylee9630
    I am a sucker for good ambient and old school graphics myself, your last 2 videos really resonated with me. You should cover Trails in the Sky since barely anyone talks about how it feels walking in that world.
  • @Wandermidget
    Oh Colosseum. I adore this game because it's still a unique Pokemon experience all these years later. It's a very divisive title as well as it contains numerous flaws that haven't aged the best. Purifying Shadow Pokemon after The Under is too much of a time sink, and is a total grind if you're attempting to obtain MATTLE Ho-oh. (but to be frank, almost all of the Nintendo-published Gamecube titles had this padding issue. Some way more than others, like The Wind Waker). All you do are battles, which if you're not the biggest fan of, the game will start to feel very repetitive, especially due to the execution of the shadow mechanics. Things like a lack of a move relearner, the very limited roster size before completing the game, and nearly half the TMs and all the HMs missing means you're limited in how you play. But this can also be a positive for some. Instead of seeing Pokemon for what they are in a collective, seeing them for what they could provide in an enclosed vacuum like Colosseum. For example, most people wouldn't give Furret the time of day outside of being an HM slave. But because every battle is doubles and Colosseum lacks field moves, Furret fills an interesting niche that it otherwise couldn't with moves such as Follow Me and Helping Hand being completely useless in a Singles format. The "long" animations, I never found to be a big deal, but I can see why others do especially since newer Pokemon titles have streamlined many aspects of Pokemon's combat. I think the main reason why people complain about the long animations is that saves are limited in areas in Colosseum unlike nearly other other title where you can save where ever you want. XD Gale of Darkness is a sequel most people prefer and you might too as it improves on Colosseum in nearly everyway. I feel Colosseum could go for a QoL ROMhack since everything is receiving something like that these days. The QoL could do things such as decrease the heart gauge of all shadow pokemon by at least 40%, increase the amount of Pokecoupons you receive from each Mt. Battle area by double, increase the average exp gain by 1.5 so it's like everyone is holding a lucky egg, and have some of the missing TMs accessible such as TM40 Aerial Ace and TM43 secret power.
  • @Jajaking
    Just binged your channel your vids are so crazy you gotta keep em coming
  • @WildKat25
    Awesome channel man, just binge watched all your videos!
  • @Scorbunzx
    It’s a shame that the legends games are probably given more attention than the gen games.
  • @ksemanr
    it was pretty of its time, the newer ones are just far behind the times now
  • @wolfincrocs6284
    "i didn't speak english back then" holy crap you have an amazing grasp of english for a non-native speaker and i've enjoyed going though your video essays!! If you try any other pokemon games, HeartGold and SoulSilver are renound to be the best, and the sprite Mystery Dungeon Series are amazing and more story based for people who prefer traditional RPGs (bring tissues though)
  • ...any chance we could get that game the music is from in English phonetics?
  • video was great. I recommend trying pokemon arceues on the switch. It's not like the traditional games and its pretty great
  • @rensin4666
    Great video. but if you want another pokemon experience then i do think try some of the other games out. this game particular is usually noted as the hardest/most annoying game to play,.
  • i played pokemon since i was 7 as my main game until i was around 11 and i didnt spoke 1 word of english. For real, english was not required at all if you had 1 friend that could guide you a bit or a game guide/bible back in 2001 when there was no internet (GB color, Pokemon gen 1-2), now imagine with internet (which was your case). Skill gap i would say