How to not get hacked: real example

I have been consistently spammed with infostealer malware links on google drive designed to steal my login credentials and hack my YouTube account. Here's an in-depth analysis of the technique and how to not get hacked. Join a live Q&A with me on Discord:
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コメント (21)
  • Thanks a ton. I have seen many videos like these but this one helped me up my knowledge by large also I was glued for the entire 13mins. It has all a user needs to know. More important complicated things explained in an easy way. I liked the crowd sec mention
  • And this is why Windows shouldn't hide file extensions by default.
  • @Nickwilde7755
    In case anyone's curious why Screensaver files are executables: they're not videos, they're programs that run in real time on your pc
  • @jvdg_hanna
    Actually that website was a legit Korean website, and the kakao email adress domain is like a South Korean gmail, it's the standard there. When a regular person has that it's nothing to worry about, but when a company uses that in their official email instead of a company domain it's definitely something that should set off some alarm bells.
  • @Alberos
    As many people pointed out already, that's Korean not Japanese. Here's a quick way to tell CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) characters apart for all English speaker out there. A) If it has lots of circle, it's Korean. B) If it has lots of line and square and the character looks "blocky" and "complicate", that's Chinese. C) If it's not of the first two and it has lots of curvy character mixed in with some square and line, that's Japanese. The Chinese and Japanese is a bit tricky because Japanese do mix character from Chinese (Kanji) in their language. However, the Japanese character will standout from the Chinese one, they will look less "blocky" and "less complicated" and has lots of curve line. Hope you learn something new!
  • So let me get this straight. The hackers decided to try and scam a youtube channel by the name "The PC Security Channel" and thought you were an easy target. I'd be offended!!
  • I've made some pretty suboptimal PDFs in my time, but 600+ mb for a PDF would be a huge warning bell for me.
  • @Sonyboj
    Kakao is Korean. Its like Whatsapp.
  • @cinna9552
    Ah yes.. I love opening screensaver files.
  • @Gazzz696
    I've been having the exact same email myself (amongst many similar others) , I swiftly block and delete.. another great informative video. keep these up )
  • @cc12yt
    Shoutout to Japanese, my favorite Korean language of all time
  • @Bellicosy
    I was already aware of this information partially in thanks to your channel, but it is always good to be reminded in order to stay sharp of real and ominous threats that are just a single click and slip of the mind away.
  • @omgabaddon
    Thank you for the video. I already knew about all this but still stuck because you go straight to the point and don't waste the viewer's time, unlike those videos where there's a 4-minute intro asking you in 15 different ways whether you were hacked before.
  • @goatrecap
    Found your channel today, Really enjoying it!
  • @jeoffer
    Thanks for sharing. A very helpful and clear explanation of what the scammers are up to.
  • I love this channel. As someone starting my bachelors in cybersecurity I love learning about this.