Kiss “what if…series” volume 1

Published 2022-08-08

All Comments (12)
  • Correction: “Beth” climbed up to the #7 spot on the US billboards in late ‘1976 and Paul’s “Forever” made it to #8 in 1989. “I was made for loving you” made it to #11 in the Spring/summer of 1979.
  • @rogerj1037
    If your asking if that would have helped the album and exodus of kiss fans. No , young children and parents at concerts and the merch and iwmfly song was going to drive them early fans away . if your asking Keeping Peter in the band at best would have been one more year if you threw him a bone. I think because of all of their egos and Peter's ego, upset that he wasn't feeling valued as much as he thought he should plus the drugs and alcohol and burnt bridges between him and gene and especially Paul. Also the car crash that limited his drumming do to the injury . you put all that together and it might have bought one year at best but no, I believe he was out the door after dynasty no matter what. great idea for this new what if Roger
  • Good question. I think the whole thing could have turned out differently if they had done a double album with their solo songs rather than 4 albums. I can't stop the rain is a great song and would have fit well there. Peter did not have enough time to put together a good album after his car accident in 1978 after the filming of Kiss Meets the Phantom.
  • Yeah! I can’t stop the rain is great! Def. So many factors to think of for that to happen! I think if that did happen. Paul would probably get jealous after the fact if I can’t stop the rain did as good as Beth! Paul could of been the one to of left in the 80’s! I also liked to think of these what if situations ! So many to think about! Rock on⚡️⚡️⚡️ space ace Ron👍
  • @KISSDUDE333
    I think KISS would have had another hit on their hands, but if they still fired Peter, fans would be even more upset and not embrace Eric Carr as much as they did. I'm not saying they wouldn't embrace Eric Carr at all because he was such a great person, but I think it would have been harder for fans to embrace Eric Carr and it would have taken fans longer to embrace Eric Carr. I loved Eric Carr right away! Long live The Fox! But back to Peter and KISS, maybe Peter wouldn't have been fired from KISS, at least not right away, but Paul would be jealous if Peter had another hit for KISS. Great question! I'm ready for the next "What if?".
  • @Kopperafiel
    I don't think I would have had it as an album closer. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. As a single I think it would have still ended bad but maybe delayed the inevitable. If it had charted high enough, like New York Groove did, it would have given Peter more leverage for the next album. He would have definitely had a stronger voice in the direction of the band and the decision making. I love these short "What if" scenario videos. It's stuff I thought of for years as a KISS fan.
  • @Flapperdame16
    If I cant stop the rain was Peter's swan song in Kiss- it would have made all the girls cry!!!!! Very fascinating to think about, Paul would have hated Peter even MORE! But Peter would go out in a high note! Peter 2, Paul 1!
  • @zetro75
    I don't think Gene and Paul could handle Pete possibly having another big hit for the band...
  • Great idea! Do you think this would have made people hate DYNASTY more? (No hate here….this coming from a person who loves DYNASTY). I think this would have made the album pretty cool. Curious what your thoughts are on “how the general public would have accepted it?” Please do a follow up to your thoughts. Super fun thought. Take care.
  • @rogerj1037
    To add on to my post if can't stop the rain became a big hit it he still would have been out the door because of all I mentioned. I dont think it would been as big a hit ballad as Beth. So many other reasons to want to give him the boot fee regardless. His ego would have gotten worse a n.v d the demands would have been more if it became a hit. maybe lasted for unmasked but that I highly doubt as well. you can only put up with so much BS and I mean that both ways. something had to give . Roger
  • Here's the wiki for "Beth" where the chart history is.