Albert Einstein Genius Quotes you should know/ life quotes | Motivational quotes

Published 2024-02-01
Einstein was not only a great physicist, he was also a thinker with profound insights into life, the universe, and human nature. His theories and philosophy inspired the pursuit of in-depth exploration in science and humanities.
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All Comments (7)
  • @johnmcleod8961
    genius?...high IQs?...I'm starting to believe these are just concepts...given just enough time to sit and reflect, you too can come up with these quips of the "geniuses"...I'm 65 yo...I'm retired with a very comfortable life, but yet I still feel very ignorant as hell...I have more time now to just think for myself...I always have, but to "make it", you're gonna tow the line, so to speak...I'm coming full circle, however - even though my body's getting "older", I'm coming back home to my psychological youth.
  • @rikji
    einstein married his first cousin so he could be with her twin 12 year olds. he never passed a math class, he didnt speak till 4 years of age, he did not write his speech he gave. and most of the time if not all the time some one else read the speech and he said yes. a patten clerk who was give someone elses research that was done years before and he claimed it was his discovery. einsteins student said they could be understand a word he said. his TA'S taught the students. THESE ARE FACTS. WHAT IS SAID ABOUT EINSTEIN IS FAR FROM THE TRUTH OTHER THAN WHEN ASKED HOW IT FELT TO BE THE SMARTEST MAN ALIVE, HE ANSWERED, I DO NOT KNOW, ASK NIKOLA TESLA.