How to propagate Zoysia tenuifolia (Petting Grass)

Published 2022-02-12
If you buy (or receive) one Zoysia tenuifolia plant, with a bit of patience you can propagate quite a few plants from this starter plant. But it will take a while.

By carefully washing away the soil, roots can be pulled apart and replanted to create separate growths.

This video incudes time-lapse of Zoysia growing using this method.

Unfortunately, a brush turkey dug up my pot after a few months but I had another pot I was regularly photographing.

All Comments (12)
  • @kazoz3520
    Thanks, saved me a lot of time & effort. Helped me decide to keep my new Zoysia tubestock as a clumping feature plant (like my Lomandra Little Con), continue dividing mini mondo for edging of stepping stones & pavers, & allow the native Isolepis "fairy lights" to continue its self-seeding of an informal pathway, & around ponds. Not going to fight nature :)
  • @DHALLfamilyOZ
    Hi there, I'm looking to put some pavers and want this zoysia in the gaps of those pavers, please advise if i need to buy and sprinkle the seeds or should I buy some pots and sow the grass instead? If I choose to do the latter, will it spread and fill up the gaps by itself?
  • @cbarber5366
    I live in South Florida and can’t find this grass for sale anywhere. I’ve seen a few patches and am going to ask for a plug. How often should I water it? It seems to do well near the coast here.
  • @sphen4176
    I've been searching for this grass everywhere. Can I buy a small pot from anyone for propagation?
  • @realvipul
    looks like it will take 10 yrs to fill a average lawn . so sloooooooooooooooow