Censorship in Nazi Germany

Published 2022-04-08
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On the evening of the 10th May 1933 a crowd of 40,000 Germans gathered in Berlin’s Opera Square to listen to a speech by one of Hitler’s closest advisors, Germany’s Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda: Joseph Goebbels..

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Created by Daniel Turner (B.A. (Hons) in History, University College London)


Chris Kane

Evans, R. J. 2005. The coming of the Third Reich. London, Penguin.

Evans, R. J. 2009. The Third Reich at War: how the Nazis led Germany from conquest to disaster. London, Penguin Books.

Jones, D. 2015. Censorship: a world encyclopedia. Volume 1-4 Volume 1-4. site.ebrary.com/id/11058165.

Lewy, Guenter. 2020. Harmful and Undesirable: Book Censorship in Nazi Germany. S.l.: Oxford University Press US

Longerich, P. 2016. Goebbels: a biography. London, Vintage.

Manvell, R., & Fraenkel, H. 2010. Doctor Goebbels: his life and death. Barnsley, Frontline.

All Comments (21)
  • @ozycobber4973
    All this time I never asked "which books were burned?" No wonder they never told us.
  • I still can’t appreciate enough how the quality of the animation has improved over the years
  • @VieneLea
    This reminds me of an old joke I've read in a pre-war polish newspaper: "Daddy, it's chancellor Hitler's birthday today. Does that mean he reads all the letters?" "No, my dear child. That's what the censorship bureau is for!"
  • I'm glad you did this video because people tends to forget that while the Nazis were an aggressive expansionist force, they were also a dictatorship. Its own people also suffered
  • @areyoujelton
    I love how this is posted on one of the most censorship-friendly platforms in history.
  • how about censorship on youtube having to censor out the swastikas in the thumbnail even though it's just history lmao
  • @RKNGL
    I remember thinking about this when I heard of the "flame purification" of thousands of books in Quebec last year. It was carried out by a political student institution which got permission to do from the government and even lied about who they were associated with or what they were burning.
  • @charles5895
    Many fail to see that this is still happening around us today
  • American Colleges haven't gotten to book burning yet , but give them time . Mark Twain is one of the First Authors to be censored because some found what he wrote " Offensive ."
  • @alexbowman7582
    Before the Nazis got completely murderous in the late 30’s during a particularly severe winter storm a popular German theatre comedian walked onto stage and gave the Roman salute for many minutes, the audience were looking around at each other baffled by his upright arm then eventually he shouted “the snow it is this high”. He was later arrested.
  • @hellaciousharry
    "And Helen Keller, the american writer who miraculously overcame being born deaf-blind to champion the rights of the disabled." Don't forget embraced eugenics, which she had in common with the Nazis. Everyone always seems to forget that one.
  • How ironic that a video attacking "censorship" in another time and place can't even show swastikas, because it would be censored.
  • "All Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque, a German World War 1 author, was also banned and burned in Germany. That's how evil this action was.
  • @TajiriOli
    It's important to keep things like this fresh in the memories of everyone.
  • @derekrugby
    If you actually know what Magnus Hirschfeld did you might not wanna back him or what he stood for so much.
  • @dylanphan26
    Got, I love Simple History for many things, but one of them is that they typically change the thumbnails of their videos shortly after posting them. (I loved the Backrooms one for the CBRN video)
  • @mattgribble3353
    when you watch a video about censorship on a platform that regularly employs censorship 😵🤫🤔