Synnibear03 | how did this go unchecked? |

Published 2021-04-15
this took longer than what i originally thought, iwent trhough 3 scripts before i was happy with what i got not to mention the help with editing my wording and exstra points i originally did not think of.

thank you so muchh Haku for helping me with the script it means alot to me and others should check them out

their DA:
Their video on the drama:   • Video  
The google doc documents……

abuse fantasies:

rape fantasies:……

maladactive dreaming:……
   • 5 Signs of Maladaptive Daydreaming  
   • What is Maladaptive Daydreaming?  
a reddit forum for people with maladactive dreaming -

How Art can help with Trauma:…………

Vinnym0ths Videos:
   • Why Synnibear03 rants are bad  
   • Why my Synnibear03 drama rant was bad  

Ponder videos:
Sashely drama:    • Getting the Goat on Another Sashley D...  
dolliguts Drama part 1:    • Chimerama's Karmic Tea Party (part 1/2)  
dolliguts Drama part 2:    • Chimerama's Karmic Tea Party (part 2/2)  

my social media links my social medias:

background Songs:
Malo Mart - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess -    • Video  
Zora Hall - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask -    • Video  
Stone Tower Temple - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask -
   • Video  
Ordon Village - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess -
   • Video  
Lakebed Temple - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess -
   • Video  
Hidden Village - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess-
   • Video  
Faron Woods - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess-
   • Video  
Lamentation of the Spirits - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess -
   • Video  

All Comments (21)
  • @GaetorCreation
    ・‥…━━━━━━━☆☆━━━━━━━…‥ ・ IMPORTANT PINNED COMMENT・‥…━━━━━━━☆☆━━━━━━━…‥ ・ ☆♩✧♪●♩○♬☆ one of the poeple who helped me with the script is Haku! please go check them out! ☆♩✧♪●♩○♬☆ their DA: Their video on the Drama: SYNNIBEAR03 HAS RELEASED HER VIDEO: Music is in the description i do not know how youtube work like please do not exspect anything plz Birdie has detransition and now goes by She/Her Synni has also cut ties with Birdie (this is not true however she has exsplained it herself in her video) Synni has aslo said she never Said the N-slur and when i really think about it i could not find anything were she herself said thr N-slur while there is proof others did Also i want to say i fucked up on the friendship woth Birdie because she started telling others that she is a good person which was a probelm Synni has already """""fixed"""""" her """"rape fetish""""" by going to theapy so please stop commenting "i hope she get´s help for her thoughts" because she has already fixed/found ways to cope with them before the drama was brought up again 3 month ago also some people simply does not have money or just resources to go to theapy ABout the abusive oc this is what i said under Flofis comment: - she never stated that her sona get´s rape and you are taking your interpertation of the story as a fact and im sure others have other form of interpertation of the story that differs from yours and if there is an art peice that has a description or clear signs of rape please show it because you did not in your video and i did not find anything i thought it was a story about how she has Stockholm syndrom there is also the fact she might be coping with the self insert ship being abusive it´s a weird consept but using the characters as a form of place holder from the actual abusers/abusive things that has or is hapening which is also why every abusive action looks """""""cute"""""" becuase it´s a way for her to stomac the situation and the "well she could cope in private" statement rooted in Ablelism and Victim blame becuase you are telling people not to show their abusive or trauma becuase it´s uncomfy and if she put´s TW on the post´s and maybe a unique # on twitter for poeple to block/blacklist then i think the problem is solved please do not go under other peoples videos that has diffrent opinions than min and spam the YT link to this video it can be seen as rude i do not belive anyone sying the Ablelist and Biphobic points are doing it on purpose and that you should not say to people that they are the points are biphobic and Ablelist not the people 17 is still a child regadless if she "is basically an adult" she is still a minor and not an adult please stop saying 17 year olds are adult´s they are not
  • @KittydogCrystal
    i dont usually comment on vids like this but i really agree with all your points so many ppl villanize mental illness and its so tiring how young content creators in this community can be treated. i feel i can relate to these subjects as well its a mess fr
  • @ProbablyaPlant
    As a biro person, seeing people say shes "preying on LGBT women" honestly makes me very uncomfortable. Since not only is it normal for kids to explore their sexualities, it's depressing to see people use biphobia as a way to "show they're a good ally" or some bullshit.
  • @synnibear03
    Honestly thank you so much for making this video, I appreciate it a lot. It is such a breath of fresh air to see someone come to my defense, even if it wasn't all positive, I still appreciate it. My only gripe is that I never actually said the n word. The reason I'm being accused of being racist is because of a comment I made when someone asked why Birdie's partner at the time said it so much. I said "it's kind of their thing" and it was misinterpreted as me defending them for saying it. I've never said the n word, but everything else you criticized me for was correct as far as I can see, and I'll be bringing it up in my drama video to apologize for the things I've said. Once again, thank you so much for making this video. (Also sidenote, I think ur oc is fucking rad, and ur lineart is really nice to look at. 💖💞💕💝💗💖 ok bye)
  • @MidnightzRoses
    I have maladaptive daydreaming unfortunately, I daydream while pacing around my room and listening to music for more than 5 hours a day. It sucks and I can’t get anything done 😭 Butttt it is fun sometimes and I have a great story going on soooo lmao Edit: ALSO THE PONDER SPROCKET REFERENCE WE LOVE THAT AAA
  • @mykie5287
    I swear, the internet is all about being open about your mental health until it gets uncomfortable for them to listen to. As someone who has had to recover from my bad habits due to a depression, and eating disorder exclusively by myself due to living in an environment were the only response to me talking about my problems were “get over it” its somewhat triggering. I wish Synni the best. Getting eaten alive by the internet right now surely isnt helping
  • @Edgee_yy
    The art community throws around buzzwords so god damn much that barely anyone knows what they mean. Therefore becoming hypocrites from their claims that are jack filled with buzz words.
  • @ditsydoova2413
    I'm a victim of ab/se myself and have autism and ADD. Like you said, everyone has a different way of coping, and I express myself through characters I love and writing. I believe that Synnibear does need to seek help but that's PRIVATE MATTER. People need to stop hanging over people's shoulder, even if they are famous or have internet points, because they're just people too. Also, like you said, just because it's cute doesn't mean it's romanticizing anything. I express myself through cute stuff and specifically use the aesthetic Traumacore to cope when I'm down.
  • @kerezz3036
    about the thing about synni being on youtube for about 3-4 years, she's actually been on YouTube for 6 years, which is MUCH younger then 13, she was ELEVEN when she started posting on YouTube. ELEVEN.
  • @carriondecay
    The thing you said about people demonising maladaptive daydreaming made me feel a lot better, I maladaptive daydream a lot and I know it’s probably not healthy but I quite literally can’t help it and all this stuff that people have said about maladaptive daydreaming has made me feel like utter SHIT. so thank you haha :o)
  • @Amoreaska
    woah people are now being mad at artists for venting?? synthia seems like shes going through a lot of tension and the internet is just making it even more difficult also i was kinda surprised to see my part for the chiffpie map featured here for a couple of seconds lol
  • Honestly? I am so glad you made this video. Everything that happened in the drama was none of our business. Synni has done some bad things yes, and she deserves critism, but all THIS? This is a bit much. Synni needs help, not harassment.
  • @noxamonster
    I’m speechless about the maladaptive daydreaming part. Are people seriously shaming mental illness to defend their cat shit reasons to dislike somebody?? Not to mention that they just assume synni has it out of nowhere. As somebody who struggles with maladaptive daydreaming myself, I thought the animation meme community was better then this.
  • I would like to add points of my own. So, about the Hey Juicy meme, while I am pretty sure that some people did think she was romanticizing abuse, I think the main issue people had with the video was that previously, there was no proper trigger warning for abuse. just nothing that said, "Hey, there is abuse in this video!" About Synni romanticizing abuse in general, the screenshots leaked from discord about Synni saying that she wanted to get r*ped, and was "seeking therapy to find out why she had these thoughts", are in fact NONE OF OUR BUSINESS. Imagine venting to someone close online, and all of that personal stuff gets leaked to the internet. I guess the way I look at it, it can really depend on what kind of fantasies you have with fictional characters that are bad people, such as abusers. I don't like the idea of wanting a fictional character to abuse you, in any kind of way. I'm not saying you can't have fantasies about fictional characters, because that's totally fine. Some people just need to learn that getting r*ped, even if it's from someone you love, is a traumatic experience, and I could see some people who did go through that feeling insulted by Synni's fantasies.(I would like to say, that no, I have not experienced that in my own life, but I could imagine r*pe victims feeling insulted by anyone treating it like it's a good thing, or something to enjoy.) I do get that we do not know if she has been through something like that, and is just stuck in a sort of head space like some other possible victims. Let me make it clear, that even though Synni has done some really bad things that should be criticized, SHE DID NOT DESERVE TO GO THROUGH THAT KIND OF TREATMENT, IF SHE DID GO THROUGH IT AL ALL. While I do find it weird and uncomfortable that she has these fantasies about Birdie as well, a real person, I do see your point in saying that abusive characters can be used as a way to cope with past trauma. Whether it is a healthy way to cope or not, I think it really depends on the person, and what their therapist think is best for them. (Keep in mind I am not a therapist.) I think it's for the most part ok the be a child and ship yourself with a character who is an adult, mainly because the adult, whether they be a real person or just a character, the adult isn't doing anything to the child, and children are allowed to have crushes on adults. It can be very healthy to talk about your dark thoughts with another person. People need to stop shaming Synni for venting to someone close.
  • Honestly I can’t put into words how good this video is, I can’t type all my thoughts on it down. I always kind of felt that some of the accusations against them went too far, Synni did do some bad things but she didn’t deserve the kind of backlash she got. However this video kind of made me reflect on some things. Specifically how we treat famous figures on the internet and how we tend to treat accusations such as these, and how in certain situations and we don’t use critical thinking and as a result we react impulsively. And I will admit I even believed some of these claims at one point. Even though I didn’t make a video about Synnibear03, I still watched some videos on the drama and as a result they were able to spread these harmful beliefs about mental illness to me and other people. Anyways I can only hope that this is a wake up call for the animation meme and rant community so that these types of things especially against minors will stop. As an endnote thanks for anyone who took the time to read this wall of text and thank you for making this video and have a good day/night.
  • @threatenthemoon
    As a person who has been diagnosed with maladaptive daydreaming and adhd, if i do not like a person i physically cannot daydream about them, though it might be different for anyone. I feel disgusted in people thinking they are all doctors? Please, unless you have graduated psych school or have the illness yourself, you do not have the right to tell them what is or is not allowed in their symptoms. Im afraid to share any of my ocs trauma/coping mechanisms because im afraid of loosing my own fucking friends. I put a lot of my own struggles into my characters, struggling with procrastination to the point of failing all of my work- self hate and body issues. I have stopped sharing half my art because every time i post no matter how many warnings i have i still gets comments telling me, "Oh well thats unhealthy well stop doing it" I do not know how to cope with my own drama anymore, i used to use jokes to cope but now i cannot even joke with friends in an online game/a discord i own without someone calling me a faker and disgusting just because im more open to sharing my trauma as it helps me. im sorry if this is badly worded- i do not know how to properly word my feelings.
  • @fakeemail6815
    someone: demonizes maladaptive daydreaming me and the 13 other versions of myself that I daydream about to mother mother songs all day: and I took that personally
  • The second I heard "her self insert ship with Nightmare Sans and Error Sans, two well known villains" I audibly groaned- I knew exactly where it was going- villains are fun and plenty of people like them- that one was so dumb-