Minimal Living on a Rainy Day

Published 2020-08-23
Audio and ebook - AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE!

Website where you can purchase audio and ebook:

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Music by Audio Blocks:

If you would like to translate videos:…

Pesto Recipe for carrot tops is in the description box of this video:    • Morag Gamble's super pesto recipe usi...  
I adjusted to my taste.

Turmeric tea video:    • Turmeric Latte - Vegan - Caffeine Fre...  

-------------------Some DIY videos-------------------

*Door Draft Stopper:
   • DIY Door Draft Stopper - Upcycle/Low ...  

*Clay Decorations:
   • Salt Clay Decorations - Simple and Lo...  

*Whitewashing Wood Table:
   • How to Whitewash a Wooden Table - Upc...  

*DIY Bamboo Table Mats:
   • DIY Bamboo Table Mats - Zero Waste & ...  

*Up cycled Tin Cans into Lanterns:
   • DIY Garden Lanterns - Recycled Tin Ca...  

*DIY Candles from reused candle wax:
   • DIY Candles - Recycled Wax - Fairylan...  

*DIY Kitchen Remodel:
   • DIY Kitchen Makeover - Low Budget - L...  

-------------------Some craft videos-------------------

*Plant Hanger:
   • DIY Plant Hanger - natural and simple  

*Bento Bags:
   • DIY - Zero Waste Bento Bag  

*Jute Coasters:
   • DIY Jute Teapot Coaster - Compostable  

*Macrame Jute Scrubber:
   • Zero Waste Dish Scrubber - Basic Macramé  

*Make Up Remover Wipes:
   • DIY Zero Waste Make Up Remover Pads -...  

*Zero Waste Produce Bags:
   • DIY Zero Waste Produce Bags - Simple ...  

*How to make Paper:
   • Paper Declutter and How To Make Paper...  

-------------------Some Self Care DIYs-------------------

*Candle Making Video:
   • DIY Candles - Recycled Wax - Fairylan...  

*Shea Butter Body Cream:
   • DIY Shea Butter Body Cream  

*Face Wash Powder Video:
   • DIY Face Wash Powder - Low Waste and ...  

*Facial Scrub:
   • Zero Waste DIY Facial Scrub - Oats & ...  

*Face Mask:
   • DIY Zero Waste Face Mask - Natural & ...  

*Hair Care Videos:
   • 'No Poo' Zero Waste Hair Routine - Ch...  



Equipment Used:

Video equipment affiliate links: USA only

Fujifilm X-T3 body only -
Fujifilm X-T3 lens kit -

Fujifilm 23mm f2.0 -
Fujifilm XC- 50-230mm f4.5-f6.7 OIS mk II -

Hi there,
My name is Niamh and I have a BSc in Nursing Science. I make videos on simple, natural healthy living. I hope you enjoy!

Brave referral:

#slowliving #minimalliving

All Comments (21)
  • Hello everyone! Season slowly changing here. Who’s with me for Autumn/Fall? Hope you are all well and happy. Sending Irish magic your way 🍀🍀🍀
  • @vanja222
    Can’t wait for rainy days! Crisp air, fuzzy socks, warm drink, favorite book... Oh my favorite season of the year is Fall 🌧😌🍂☕️📚❤️
  • @InfiniteText
    I take cemetery walks on rainy days. It makes me feel connected somehow and reflective
  • I’m going to be moving to another continent in less than a month, and although it’s going to be new and exciting, I do catch myself feeling sentimental, especially as it’s currently my favourite season here in India (the monsoon: everything is lush and green and wild, there are wild peacocks everywhere, the last few mangoes are still yummy, the guavas have started, and the rain here isn’t the polite rain of Europe—over here, the raindrops are fat and it really storms). But thank you for your video. Your message of accepting the seasons is helping me look forward to the beautiful new life I hope to start.
  • This season has been especially hard for me, my dearest grandpa died a few weeks back. These days have been so bittersweet, I’m here in Gopalpur(a small fisherman village in Orissa,India) and old sweet memories keep creeping up as I sit under one of the huge coconut trees he planted(he was very fond of trees and almost built a jungle like garden by himself), all the jackfruit, bittergourd,mango, eggplant, and the hundreds of other beauties he planted are now flourishing. It is a gentle reminder that even this season, we all are growing in our slow beautiful ways. It’s hard to let go of the attachment I had with him but it’s also so important that I feel all my feelings and take it slow. Thank you for this reminder and this video!
  • This makes my heart happy. I am doing much the same things, halfway round the world on coast of the Pacific Ocean in Washington state, u.s. - tending the last of the garden, jarring up the dried herbs, sitting down for a cup of tea while the rain patters outside, pulling the carrots, encouraging the pumpkins...I had to smile to see you sitting down to freshly picked & washed carrots, dipping them into homemade humus. I did the same of your previous videos had reminded me that making my own humus is sooo nice. I enjoy every bit of it, from soaking the dried chickpeas in my favorite thick pottery bowl, to deciding which herbs to add in the current batch. And how lovely to go out to the garden for my carrots to dip in. The changing of the seasons is always a deeply satisfying time for me. Thank you for capturing the warm "drawing inward" quality of the coming of autumn. Well done. ❤️ P.S. Fabulous "autumn" dress!!!
  • @pippas5808
    Every year I find there is a day when I step outside in the morning and smell the change in the air and know that autumn is coming. Even if the day is sunny and 'looks' like summer, it feels different. Although I find autumn and winter hard because of the dark and cold, I love the rhythm of the seasons. And each year, I look for the good things in each season. Now, I am enjoying the harvest, preparing some of my more delicate plants for overwintering, taking cuttings of others (because I don't have the space to bring them all inside!) and looking forward to candlelit evenings and winter crafts!
  • @slane_design
    I can feel the change in the mornings. Crisp air, and I can smell the changing plant life. The trees and plants speak of change that is just around the corner.
  • @kimw8054
    Im in the state of Michigan in the US. It's the state that looks like a mitten. This is the 1st time watching and I couldn't of chose a lovelier video to watch. It is still hot and humid here, no rain just sun day after day. I find myself watching the sky for that telltale blue that indicates autumn is here. Autumn is my favorite season. Thank you for this beautiful video! God bless
  • @dv7361
    It’s Sunday evening 7pm where I live. Just the perfect way to wind down the day and the weekend 🌱
  • These vlog-style videos of yours are my favorite. I like your "How-to" videos, but prefer these that are simply a slice of life even more.
  • @rainbowkangaroo
    I love your voice. Your voice and the sound of rain is so relaxing ...
  • @helbergreen
    The way you decorate your house infects me, I'm glad to see everything being taken care of with great affection for you. The plant pot in the red window gave a charm in the environment making the atmosphere of the place lighter, I loved ...
  • @smartinez1376
    Thank you for reminding me that often the best thing to do is to let go and trust.
  • @evanquade668
    I am up at a 6:30 am hour. Ready to rise with another daily cycle. It actually rained here overnight too 🌧️ I love autumn. I was born in that season and everything around is colorful!
  • I'm suffering from severe loneliness. Watching your videos make me wish to go to Ireland to be your next door neighbour. So peaceful life ❤
  • @sailorgirl2017
    Autumn is my favourite season. Cool crisp days with cozy nights. Slow-cooking and baking again - baking on board in summer makes for a very hot The return of heavy BC rains and the cool air on your face. Snuggling down in a warm bed with a good book. Heaven. Enjoy your quiet, leisurely time Niamh, and thank you again for the peace you share with us each week. Namaste.
  • @neelzlilly
    It's beautiful how you reminds that simplicity is the key to happiness and peace... Thanks Mini milist... ❤️
  • @nadinediab
    I’ve having the worst panic attacks after the Beirut Explosion (i am a survivor), your videos have been calming me down, so thank you alot.
  • @daniellereid01
    The weather is changing here in Western Canada, too. The other night, I went outside and smelt Autumn on the air. This is always the first sign for me. Then yesterday, there was the familiar, streaky cloud pattern in the sky. I love the Autumn. Take care xox