Rishu Plays Dishonored | Singleplayer69

Published 2022-02-11
This is a video I made when I had 23 subs so this video can be cringy in certain parts do bear that in mind. But if you still like it, Well do subscribe.
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I'm MR.singleplayer and I post family friendly pg-13 and R-Rated gaming content.
I am a huuuuge fan of the marvel cinematic universe and I'll sometimes go on full fanboi mode. Usually I'll mute adult themed abusive vulgar words but sometimes I'll go all in. Don't worry I'll add a warning at the start of each R-Rated video. So you can watch my videos with or without earphones.
I am not a pro player. But I intend to make you laugh using my videos, because why not? a little laugh is good for everybody. So the question is are my videos cringe? maybe... sometimes when I watch my own videos I cringe at some of the dialogues. I'll really try to not be cringy but sometimes it just comes out. I'll let you be the judge whether my videos are cringe or not.
I mostly post videos of mobile battle royale games but maybe I'll post PC games too in the future.
(Edit: Yeah, I post PC games now too! Not so much for battleroyale thoughπŸ™ƒ)
If you have a problem with my videos, you have an inquiry or you wanna make a collab;
Then email me at: [email protected]
If you're still reading, Then congratulations you have earned my respect. Now kindly subscribe to my channel and click the bell icon to get notifications for my videos.

If you already have done all these welcome back I guess?

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