Manifest Anything ~ 30 DAY CHALLENGE ~ Listen Day or Night

Published 2024-04-14

Manifest Anything ~ 30 DAY CHALLENGE ~ Listen Day or Night

INTRO: 0:00 - 2:37
Manifest Meditation: 02:37 - 17:45
Positive Affirmations: 17:45 - 4:00:00

I’ve created this meditation as a challenge to you. A challenge to take a look at yourself and finally decide what you want from this thing we call life. We all have dreams, but most of us hide those dreams in the darkness, and as the days pass, we tell ourselves, One Day. One day, I will have the courage to reach into the darkness and shine a light on that dream, turning it into a reality, to finally live the life I was meant to live.
Today, I challenge you to reach into that darkness and love yourself enough to face those fears and doubts. To allow this moment to be the time you ARE good enough. Now, to be fully honest, as I speak to you, I’m also speaking to myself. There is something in my own life that I have neglected. Always coming up with an excuse not to pursue it. I don’t have enough money yet, I don’t have enough time, I don’t have enough physical energy OR emotional energy. Or simply, I am not enough yet to deserve it in my life. Well, today I’m finally choosing to love myself enough to take this journey. And I invite you to take this journey with me. Everyday for the next 30 days, I will be using this manifest meditation. I will post a comment, letting you know what I will be manifesting. Everyday I will post a new comment to update you on my journey. I would love and am excited to hear about your journey as well, so I encourage you to do the same!
By using this meditation for 30 days, something incredible will happen. You will be given some type of sign, or something will happen in your life where a clear path to your dreams will be shown to you. Or you will simply manifest exactly what you want into your life. Follow along with the techniques in this meditation and when you are done, just let it go. Do not try to figure out how it will happen. It will come to you effortlessly. That is why it is called attraction. You can listen day or night, fall asleep, or stay awake. It is your choice.
So when you are ready, close your eyes, relax, and let’s begin the journey.


All Comments (21)
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 1: I am finding a wonderful partner and starting a beautiful family
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 3: An old friend I haven’t seen in years randomly contacted me. I didn’t tell him anything about this challenge. Somehow, the conversation led to him setting me up on a date. This is moving a lot faster than I thought it would 😳
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 2: I focused this meditation on what I want in a relationship and why. Tomorrow, I think I need to focus on my beliefs.
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 30: What an absolute trip! As I continue to work on being vulnerable and finally sharing myself with others, I have discovered so much about myself, so much about the world, all while feeling a mix of every emotion between fear and absolute joy like I’m in the middle of a whirlwind of life. Maybe thats what life is supposed to feel like when you’re following the path you were meant to lead. I feel like I am walking the path I was meant to follow, full of both fear and excitement for the journey ahead. I finally understand that I can walk through those fears with courage and faith that no matter what happens, I will be okay. As this 30 day journey comes to an end, I know that it is just the beginning of the journey of a lifetime! I am excited to see and experience all the adventures to come! I was introduced to this absolutely wonderful person on day 2 of this challenge! And we are still going strong!! I can’t express the amount of gratitude I have in my heart for meeting such an incredible person, no matter what happens!
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 4: I visualized further into the future. I imagined my wife and children. There is so much love there. I really enjoyed this meditation
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 5: a lot of negative beliefs came to the surface. Doubts about myself and irrational fears. Now that I’ve made the unconscious conscious, I can work on letting them go and create more appropriate beliefs.
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 6: Was a little distracted at times during the meditation but able to refocus and end well. Still going strong!
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 8: The date went great! I realized that doing this for a 30 day challenge, I feel a lot of pressure for this to work out. So in meditation I focused on letting go and knowing that whatever happens is meant to happen.
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 19: I’ve been learning so much about vulnerability on this journey. I’ve learned that the only way to approach any potential relationship is with full authenticity and honesty about who you are. If they don’t like/love you for who you truly are, then what’s the point? You make yourself vulnerable to being hurt, but that is the only way to find something real.
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 20: Ugh! this person is so incredible I’m having a hard time believing she’s real Whatever happens, even if I screw it up, I’m just grateful to have had this experience and to have met such a person
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 26: One of my biggest fears in life was allowing myself to be truly vulnerable with someone in fear they might not like what they see. But the truth is, it is only when we are able to be our genuine, vulnerable selves that we can make true connections with others.
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 7: Things are moving faster than expected. First date tonight 😅
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 9: As I go through this journey, I’ve had fears that have confronted me every step of the way. Fears like brick walls that would have paralyzed me from even trying in the past. But once I had the courage to start breaking down those walls, I finally understood that fear isn’t reality. That wall of Fear still hits me at every step, but now I know that I can just walk right through it.
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 25: I can’t believe it’s already day 25! Everything has worked out even better than I could have expected! Still nervous of the outcome, but grateful for the journey and excited for what is to come
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 15: I can’t believe I’m already half way through! I can’t believe how smoothly everything has been going. The only barriers have been the ones in my own head. I know I need to work on letting go and letting everything play out as it should rather than letting worry take over
  • @Andrea-us4hh
    Day 3: I am manifesting being a successful entrepreneur, this is the last year that I have to punch a time clock for someone else 🙌🏾
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 11: I’ve really noticed lately how the affirmations I use affect not only my actions and reactions, but how I feel about myself, people, and the world. They calm me when I’m stressed and put me in the proper state of mind for whatever I am doing!
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 22: This journey has been so seemingly effortless. The only time it hasn’t felt effortless is when my own fears haven gotten in the way.
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 21: The days have been flying by! I’ve been noticing how my more vivid visualizations have become a reality.
  • @Dauchsy
    Day 16: I am discovering so much about myself through this journey. Although growth can be painful