55 year old Homeless Man carries 2 Masters Degrees ( Maurice Johnson )

Published 2011-05-22
May 6th 2013 - Update on Maurice! More to come: dannymcglashing.com/update-on-maurice-the-55-year-…

This video was featured in Time, Huffington Post, The Blaze ..pretty much everywhere.

55 year old Maurice Johnston lives in Boston, by way of Cleveland. He has a Masters Degree in Plasma Physics from Dartmouth College, and a masters in Electrical Engineering and acoustics from Purdue University. He's worked over 10 years at Lockheed Aerospace & Aerodyne Research Corp. Maurice has taught in Science and physics, and took care of both his parents in their time of need. Maurice is very well spoken, (he sounds like Obama) and is very kind, so why is Maurice homeless.....

Maurice is referenced in the Boston Globe here: bo.st/16HVUQB

Maurice has an in depth "LinkedIn" profile here: linkd.in/lK0bdJ

Maurice' E-mail address is referenced in the video

Hi and Thank You for taking the time to watch this video, my name is Danny McGlashing and I run the 60 Days channel here on YouTube, I work part time as an all around volunteer in my community. I am currently working on 'The Underdog Network' for people like Maurice, check it out at udnet.org

I can be contacted either on twitter @DannyMcGlashing , on Facebook through this link: on.fb.me/kxuykS or via e-mail [email protected]

Thank you for watching this video and please send Maurice all the support you can, preferably a job in his field ;)


All Comments (21)
  • When someone calls you overqualified, that's bullshit. The real thing they are telling you is, "You'll too good and you'll either have my position, or be promoted above me. And I don't want that to happen."
  • @scaboi
    This man proves that you can make all the right choices, but yet you can still be a failure.
  • @mediaguy4037
    I found this guy in facebook. Seems he got a job years ago and has been working since like 2013 or 2014. And he still lives in Boston.
  • So after being homeless for several years with a PhD degree and several books published in my field (all peer reviewed), I gave up looking for work and didn't tell anyone about my level of education. But just when I was not expecting anything, I was called from a Middle School, near the place where I was camping, to teach. And is here where I am since 2010: teaching in a middle school. And guess what? I love it. I don't even think anymore about the time when I was teaching kids in Boston in Ivy League Colleges. Teaching at-risk kids was my first job in 1986 (Harlem, NY), and this time I am at home teaching at-risk kids. I am 58 years old!
  • @peterbrowne1331
    I contacted Maurice through the gmail that he mentioned in this video. He's no longer homeless but he's still looking for a job. I'm glad that he's no longer homeless and I wish him the absolute best of luck. Keep going man!
  • @larhondah.2793
    He sacrificed for his parents. Very touching and loving. God will bless Him tremendously!
  • @patrisio3
    I volunteered at a homeless shelter in Jacksonville, FL back in 2006. One question that we had to ask people who came in for a bed was how many years of schooling they had. I don't know why, but we just did. Anyway, a volunteer asked a 50-something year old guy that question and he said 24 or something like that. Everyone started looking at him and then each other. The volunteer was like "huh"? They guy said that he went to medical school. I later found out that he was a doctor and his wife left him for another man. He became so distraught and messed up mentally that he started drinking heavily, lost everything, and ended up homeless.
  • @Living_Legacy
    Shit... this guy should be retiring soon, but instead he's job hunting. The future of America worries me sometimes.
  • @catnewman4565
    Wow, this man lost everything to take care of his family. He is a diamond. God bless him and help him.
  • @nakitaj.4681
    This is heartbreaking. He seems to be such a sweet person, eloquent person.
  • @christinel7969
    He seems like such a nice person and so very smart...He would be a great teacher and what he did for his parents was wonderful.
  • @addaplaster4976
    a masters degree and PhD physics. On the streets homeless. No wonder china is now the new economical superpower. They would have put him to work
  • this is the age that education isn't respected but your social media followers is your new credit score
  • When I was doing my PhD (1994) with the money I was getting from my scholarship (i.e., $600.00 a month) I had to pay my rent, eat, and pay utility, and send my mother money so she could eat too. That is "the problem" you have when you come from the lower level of society--you must provide for members of your family! You are not just dealing with your own issue, you have to solve you family's economical problems.
  • @lhdnp1980
    I can't believe he's unemployable when he's qualified to teach Physics. God Bless him.
  • @reenh462
    I pray he finds a job and gets back on his feet.....decent guy just down on his luck. never judge a homeless person until you know their story