The New Architecture is Here... What Now? - Lorenzo Sciandra - React Native London September 2022

Published 2022-11-09
The New Architecture is Here... What Now? - Lorenzo Sciandra - React Native London September 2022

00:00 Introduction
00:30 About this talk
01:05 The Old Architecture
01:25 Limitations
02:23 The New Architecture
03:08 Turbomodules
03:51 Fabric
05:12 Codegen
05:53 The New React Native
06:29 How do we start using?
08:49 Typing, New Arch Configuration, Third Party Libraries
14:14 React 18
16:37 Planing for it
19:26 Why start now?
20:10 Conclusion

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All Comments (5)
  • @jlmcgrael
    Wow, I've been trying to (1) learn react native for the first time, while (2) integrating my own real time audio processing in C++ with JUCE as a TurboNativeModule.. Getting a basic front-end built in react native was pretty straight-forward, and even JUCE's learning curve only took a few days before everything clicked and I comprehended how to build the audio backend app I needed. But tell you hwut... Figuring out how to tie the front-end (written on RN 0.70 when that was most recent) to my backend (that I went and wrote while they were releasing 0.71), without realizing the major difference that v0.70 -> v0.71 makes... That was quite a doozy of an issue to bang my head against for two weeks, lol. But now I figured it out, all thanks to kelset here and his very well done presentation and Pusher publishing these great videos on bleeding edge recent versions of important tools. Thank you!!
  • @pritambag1895
    Sir when this React native new architecture will come ?