Exhausted puppy from hunger collapses on grass - making faint cry for help - trying to find mom

Published 2024-05-24
Exhausted puppy from hunger collapses on grass - making faint cry for help - trying to find mom

On the way to sweep the tomb, a faint groan came from the roadside. I heard that small cry. Out of curiosity, we walked closer, pulled up the garbage bag, and looked inside. We found two puppies lying inside crying. The puppies were only a few days old and hadn't even opened their eyes yet. The bodies of the two puppies were shaking from hunger and cold. They had no idea what was going on and were just trying to crawl out and find the milk. The two puppies cried loudly and called their mother desperately...
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Let more people pay attention to stray animals🙏🙏
I often share stories about rescuing stray dogs,
Please do not abandon your pets.
Thank you for your encouragement and support 💖💖💖 #rescuedog #straydogs #animalrescue #puppylife

All Comments (18)
  • @santyyvero7862
    Gracias x ser así de humanitarios gracias son lo mejor q dios a creado ♥️♥️♥️🐕🐕🐕🐕🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
  • Oh mein Gott 😢😢😢 warum hört das nicht auf diese kleine Wesen Aus zu setzen sie sind doch noch so klein und hilflos ausgeliefert..😢😢😢😢 es gibt immer wieder Menschen die ein Herz 💓❤️💓❤️ für Tiere haben und das ist wunderbar vielen herzlichen Dank für die Rettung der kleinen Welpen bitte passen sie gut auf die kleinen Kinder auf .... Es muss mehrere Menschen geben wie sie so könnten mehrere Tiere gerettet werden... Wir wünschen den kleinen Welpen alles gute und das sie groß und stark werden ❤❤❤❤und ihnen alles Liebe und alles gute wünschen....🎉🎉🎉❤❤
  • @dianyohana597
    Its so sad poor babys😢😢 A Millions thanks kind people for rescuing, loving and taking good care this beautiful baby. Gbu always guys 🙏🙏🙏🐶🐶🐶😘😘😘👍👍👍
  • @mfb4378
    Os bebês foram salvos!🙏🙏 Porque separaram eles colocando em caixas separadas? Eles gostam de ficar juntinhos! O outro bebê sumiu, só mostraram o pretinho crescendo! Onde foi parar o outro? Morreu? 🤔😢
  • @ritamtorres
    O vídeo começou mostrando 02 Cachorrinhos. Quando o vídeo terminou só tinha 01 Cachorrinho . Onde foi parar o cachorrinho marrom????
  • @makko762
    Vc é chinês?Percebi que a maioria dos chineses não dão carinho aos cães,não pegam no colo,e fazem brincadeiras bruscas.cães são sinônimo de amor incondicional 😢😢😢😢