Words of Encouragement - Holy Moments Alive

Published 2023-02-22
Words of Encouragement - Holy Moments Alive

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All Comments (21)
  • My son is having his baby induced today 23rd yesterday since they are out of the state texted them some encouragement that they are great and able to make other people happy
  • My son is headed to state for wrestling. I hid motivational post-it notes in his bags.
  • I encouraged my son and thanked him for all the help he gives me. I am looking forward to go the extra mile.
  • I took up yesterday's challenge ~An email came across my desk usually I would have just moved on but I spent some time sending off an encouraging word to someone who needed it. Also for Ash Wednesday went out of my way to give a newcomer a ride to church to sing in the choir for the first time....needless to say was feeling encouraged myself after lifting other peoples' spirits. Let's keep it going!:thanksdoc:
  • I did both first I encouraged my daughter not to be afraid to drive to get her Nani in forest hills which she never drove to. Go the extra mile was me talking the ride with her you see I’m scared to drive with her because I don’t want her to think she can’t do it but as a mom it was uncomfortable for me to sit in the car not being in control but we both did it and had a great experience. Thank you 🙏🏼❤
  • @carra1026
    Think I started this a day early 😄 on Tuesday I went off of social media and encouraged friends to join me at daily mass on Wednesday evenings, I didn’t have anyone join me but I did have a friend see me yesterday and said she was going to try to get ashes yesterday (she said "if she got her life together"… widowed mom of 4 who is not active in the church) and low and behold she was there with 3/4 kids ❤ I also encouraged my 15 yr old daughter to take time out of her week with me every Wednesday night to go to mass and she said yes without any hesitation 🙏🏻 thank you God! Now maybe I'll go the extra mile by helping clean that 15 yr old daughters room 🫣😂
  • Yesterday I Found out that one of my friends who retired but still part of a work friend group was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and has a brain tumor She didn’t reach out to anyone in the group and her and her husband (also worked with) have been dealing with thus for three months . I immediately remembered this video and reached out and offered whatever she needed and she didn’t need to do this alone we were all here for her Also sent flowers from the group and organized an outreach plan for her family with the group. Please pray for her ❤️
  • Last night during my class via Zoom, I sent a private message to one of my fellow students encouraging her and giving her information that she might need to continue with the Certificate we are working towards.
  • Encourage Someone. I called my sister who is struggling with cancer. We talked a long time. Invited her to lunch today. She seemed more upbeat than the day before.
  • I encouraged a student to give her best effort in her schoolwork, in spite of her desire to rebel against teacher(s) she is at odds with. Between you and me, these teacher(s) are encouraging this student to be her best version of herself... :)
  • I have a new 'friend' at a local nursing home whom I try to visit at least once a week. Yesterday, when I visited her, the physical therapist was trying to get her to go to PT. She was dead-set against it. I kept encouraging her to go, but she did not want to hear of it. Finally, I asked her to show me where she goes to PT. She agreed to that, and the next thing I knew...she was participating in the exercises. The therapists allowed me to stay with her. I became her 'cheerleader!' It was one of the most rewarding days I've had in a very long time!
  • @sheilahey
    I encouraged a girl I know who is figuring out how to find/hold boundaries and support her boyfriend who is in detox. She said it helped her feel more secure and hopeful. :)
  • @joegable5575
    Yesterday, "Encourage Someone" was to communicate with my grandchildren about their studies in college and the value they will have from this education opportunity anf how it will make their life and hopefully the life of another better.
  • Awe, come on Jack. Just go and clean her office for her. Surprise her!! Thanks you guys. Great Holy Moments!
  • I did the encouragement challenge! I encouraged my stepson as he has been working hard to get healthy, physically and mentally!
  • @mom22preemies
    My teen son just won a writing contest. I sent him a list of other competitions and encouraged him to think about entering other contests since he has a gift. He also recently started playing chess and I sent him information on local chess tournaments. He’s considering doing a tournament next weekend!
  • @todddawson433
    I didn't even realize at the time I had a Holy Moment till I watched today's segment. Encouraging someone....I have an employee that has been having a real rough time personally. Without going into much detail, if it wasn't for bad luck he wouldn't have any luck at all. He found out he could not go on an award trip because his wife was diagnosed with 2nd stage lung cancer. He wrote me a long email which I responded to with an even longer email telling him he was doing the right thing staying with his wife and how valued he was not only as an employee but as a man of strength and character. The response I received back was gratifying as his appreciation for my "kind words" really struck home. Must have been the Holy Spirit because I didn't even think of it as an "HM" till this afternoon. This is really good stuff.....today..."go the extra mile"...gotta think about this one, but the possibilities are endless. Thank you!
  • @rosehouse55
    I took your encouragement challenge yesterday and wrote a loving email to my son encouraging him and his wife to use Ash Wednesday as a starting point to come back to the faith. I wrote it out of great love and prayerful hope. He did not respond, nor did they join me at Mass last night, but I’m happy I took the challenge and planted the seed. We are very close and I’m choosing to let the Good Shepherd take it from here, while continuing daily prayers for his “remembering” with the faith this holy season of Lent. Going to work on today’s challenge next!