The Balance Code S2 Ep. 012 | How to Find Your Flow State

If you've ever wanted to know how to get your brain to relax and be productive at the same time, you're not alone. The illusive "flow state" has everyone wondering: what is it?

This is a very interesting question, and we explore it in today's episode of the Balance Code Podcast.

If you want to keep your mind healthy and your productivity levels high, you need to find your flow state. So today’s episode is all about discovering the key to entering your flow state and embracing a life that is more harmonious.

As your host of The Balance Code Podcast, my name is Katie Rössler, and I invite you to dive into the exploration of discovering what true life balance looks like. Feel free to comment and rate today's episode if you found it meaningful. Let’s dive in!

What we talked about:

Defining the concept of the flow state and its significance in achieving a harmonious mental state.
Exploring key takeaways from Johann Hari's book "Stolen Focus".
My personal flow state experience - solving puzzles.
Insights on how to identify your personal flow state.
Integrating a flow state into your daily routine.

Let’s connect:

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コメント (2)
  • Great content, have found the concept fascinating ever since I read The art of the Impossible by Steven Kotler Hoping to learn more about it from your channel