YouTube's Adblock War Just Got Way Worse...

Published 2024-06-14
Hello guys and gals, it's me Mutahar again! This time we take a look at YouTube's war with various extensions has gotten to the point where server based changes might be on the way. This may effect even extensions beyond in regards to timestamping tools like Sponsorblock, How? Let's find out! Thanks for watching!
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All Comments (21)
  • @nahtatrolI
    Real ones remember the days where ad points were actually marked on the video scroll line.
  • @atinwoodsman
    Google has never paid me a dime for my data they're selling, I see ad block on YT as an even trade off
  • @MacaldaReye
    I feel like the right to refuse an advertisement should be a human right
  • You know, maybe people would be willing to view ads if they weren’t: 1) so shoved down everyone’s throats and so ridiculously omnipresent 2) weren’t advertising porn, malware, and scams 3) weren’t so intrusive and personal They have zero moderation for what gets advertised and still get pissy when people aren’t bending over and taking all the ads with a smile on their face. The goddamn FBI is telling people to use Adblock and YouTube still insists it’s against TOS, they need to be sued for literally advertising scams and 18+ material on their website, but we all know they won’t change or get sued
  • @Cholmskov
    It's hilarious how these companies STILL don't seem to get it. If we get forced to watch ads too much, we leave. If they start injecting ads into ever-cost-increasing streaming services, we leave. If they keep increasing the price of the services, we leave. And for those who asks "But how will you watch movies then ?" Ah me boy, I'm from the time before streaming-services. We all put on a fancy hat and pull out our Cutlass.....
  • @dedbros9421
    Thing is, I didn't mind watching ads in 2014, when they were 5/10 seconds long or 30 seconds long but skippable. But today, there's no way I'm sitting through 2 minutes of ads in a 10 minute video. I never used ad block until youtube started grouping multiple ads together.
  • @zpat3819
    If they put it back to 1 ad with a 5 second skipable ad I’ll watch it
  • @CaptainOfBox
    Regularly surfing the internet through ad block literally saves you hours and hours of your life.
  • It's ironic that guidelines say that you must watch ads, the same ads that are infamous for breaking said guidelines.
  • YouTubes ad direction has been reminding me of Funimations ads, they were 15-30seconds long and 98% of them didnt have a skip button.
  • @andmos1001
    In Norway, it’s illegal for adds that have gambling, sex and alcohol in it on ANY media including internet sites that are specifically Norwegian. YouTube basically says haha no
    $200+ billion in profits last year alone....make sure to disable your blockers guys they're struggling here.
  • @nickoli1993
    I remember when YouTube ads consisted of little banners scattered around the web page. I'd look at them while the video was loading or during a section I found boring. then they started putting 1 at the start of a video, but at least you could skip it. but then you couldn't, as well it became common to have a long ad or 2 before the video. what ultimately got me using ad blockers was a combination of rural internet and poor optimization, leading to the ad being the only thing the website would load
  • @Ranluinar
    Case in point. I used to use Youtube on my phone while I was out doing yard work. Stuff like Mowing, trimming the weeds, painting and all of that. I'd often put on longer commentary videos or even just music. I can't say I know for certain that they detect these type of things.. but I swear they have something setup to detect when your hands are full and just lay the ads on you like a jackhammer, though this is a different point After getting sick and tired of dealing with random 3-5 minute long ads popping up in my feed, tired of having to fish my phone out of my pockets just to skip an ad, spending more time trying to skip ads than doing work. I got fed up with it. It was particularly irksome when I'm in an area with low signal/bad bandwidth.. That for some odd reason, the ads would ALWAYS play. They play at higher quality than the videos I'm on, they don't have to load, it's like youtube pre-installed their ad on my phone to give it priority, that way even if you can't watch your video, you can watch their ad. The even funnier part is that they had the nerve to put Survey questions in their advertisements asking things like "are you satisfied with the length of advertisements you're usually shown?" "How helpful do you find the advertisements we've been showing you?" "How likely are you to" You get the picture.. Anyways, currently gonna try Spotify, if anyone has any better app recommendations let me know.
  • @akor45
    The FBI recommends using an adblocker, that should be a big sign to folks on how insidious ads on the net currently are.
  • @interlapsed
    It's funny how they act like we are the villians for using ad block when most of the ads on this platform are either scams or misleading mobile game ads. People have complained about this before to YouTube but they never listened. This is all their fault.
  • I remember watching this 43 minutes documentary about a cannibal serial killer and right in the middle burger king ads popped up
  • Watched a clip of the Pop Out concert and it went like this.. TRYNA STRIKE A CHORD, AND ITS PROBABLY A-"charmin ultra soft toilet paper blah blah blah"...when i tell you my phone nearly clipped itself into the wall with that one...