Visit Your Loved Ones In Heaven Meditation

Published 2022-01-15
"Visiting Your Loved Ones In Heaven" is an easy and heartwarming meditation for anyone seeking to feel the love and support of their departed loved ones in heaven. This guided practice provides a gentle pathway to connect with those we hold dear on the other side.

Our departed loved ones in the Spirit World (Heaven) are incredibly close to us. Through this meditation, you are invited to experience the warmth and connection with those you love and miss. It offers a moment of solace and an opportunity to cherish their presence in your heart.

For an enhanced experience, it may be best to use headphones while listening to this meditation. Please remember to prioritize your safety and avoid engaging in this meditation while driving or performing any activity that requires your full attention.

All Comments (5)
  • Love this one! I struggle to visualize and I still did not “see” people but I had a very peaceful feeling and caught glimpses of orange swirls that flapped like wings and was surrounded by purple. Maybe with more practice I can fully experience it! this is the only one that’s even gotten me that far. ❤