Ohio University Marching 110

Published 2006-06-20
Ohio vs. Toledo, "Bon Jovi Show" (Full Show)
November 4, 2005

All Comments (21)
  • @9aspengold5
    This brings back great memories of my days at Ohio Univ. in the 1970's. Still brings chills to my skin !! Love it.
  • @Steeltrombone
    I was at the Ohio-UT game tonight. This band is great! I enjoyed their show a lot! I wish I was able to do shows like this at NC State the last few years. I made sure to tell you all you were great as you all were leaving Neyland. Glad you all could make this your one big road game.
  • @merkvah
    I marched with the 110 from 1997 to 2001 and watching that video brought a tear to my eye. It's beautiful. Please remember that may have been the first and last time they performed that show... that was Saturday afternoon... Monday at practice they received a new chart and all new music, all of which were memorized before practice on Thursday, so Friday could be spent polishing for Saturday's game. I'm sure DCI could do that, but they don't.
  • @9aspengold5
    I hope you are as proud of the 110 as us alumni are. I graduated in 73 and the best memory of the time there was the 110. Awesome band.
  • @RebeccAcoustic
    I'm a Senior in the Brookside High School Cardinal Marching Band (Sheffield, OH) right now and I'm SOOOO relieved I found a college band that has fun cadences and ground drills becuase I would've really missed those things after I graduate this year. Marching band is my favorite thing to do more that anything =]
  • @makianpulau
    Very cool band. Go Ohio! You took it from a very nice angle man. Now I can see the band movement and configuration very clearly
  • @msou110
    gives me chills everytime i hear the crowd singing with the 110. I miss it so much! GO BOBCATS
  • @mortag93
    I know for a fact high stepping isn't cake at all. In my high school's marching band show last year, we marched high step. This year, the Middle Voices, (Consisting of four saxaphones and two mellophones, myself included) march high step. OSU MB is beast and amazing.
  • @bailesie
    Haha, glad to see you got the full show! You can kinda pick me out... Starting at the 1:00 mark, look at the 30 yard line on the right side: second row from the back - that's me on snare, woo! :)
  • i first saw the OU marching 110, three years ago, at Ohio Theatre. ever since, i've been itching to join them. in my opinion, they are the BEST. i enjoy them over OSU band. their sound is smooth and their moves are coined. my High School band STRIVES to duplicate their amazing-ness. their dirlls are simply amusing to watch, and their simple because they DON'T try to take away from the MUSIC during drills. that's what marching band is about.
  • @kyle52
    haha sweet, my roommate is the PA announcer in this clip!
  • @miniripper
    Very entertaining. Thanks for sharing.
  • @tvdirectortom
    As a member of the "Pride" you might be interested in knowing that the gentleman who started this tradition at Ohio (playing rock and roll and dancing) is a guy named Gene Thrailkill who, as I'm sure you know, was the director at Oklahoma for over thirty years. I am proud that I was the announcer at Ohio when Gene first started "The 110."
  • @tvdirectortom
    The Marching 110 has been named the best football marching band for 2007 by CollegeSports-Fans . com. Probably for good reasons, YouTube doesn't allow links to be published, but you can figure it out from the above. As a participant in the formation of this band 40 years ago this year, it is great to see this affirmation.
  • @bailesie
    It should also be noted, as far as I'm aware, OSU has summer rehearsals, weeding out competition for the few coveted spots. Whereas with the 110, the majority of the cuts come from the percussion section. Trust me, the incoming freshmen are EXTREMELY talented (especially in recent years), but we don't have the numbers to choose from as other colleges may. My point - the 110 does what it does best. Taking ALL the kids and transforming them into better musicians and ambassadors of the University
  • @tvdirectortom
    This is a personal opionion only, but while I salute the work and passion involved, I find most DCI performances to be pretty much alike. It's a matter of preference. The Marching 110 has been thrilling crowds, getting standing ovations and having crowds dancing in the stands for 40 years now. At most college stadiums at halftime, a large percentage of the crowd goes to the bathroom or concession stands. Take a look at the crowd in this video. Nobody leaves.
  • @gaunu
    The Marching 110 is a show band, they do the things they do for show and it makes it exciting. OSU does the things they do because they're more about prestige. Trust me, the 110 is a great band, I've seen several of their performances. I've also seen several of OSU's performances, which were great. I'd rate them both at a 10/10, but they each have their own unique things they do.
  • @that1dude
    we played thanks for the memories by fall out boy with them during halftime
  • @bailesie
    Yeah, for the past 39 years or so, the 110 has been the main attraction for all of the football games. But hopefully that will change! As far as being known, I'd think it's fair to say that we're doing just fine in that department ;)