The Spiritual Battlefield w/ Father Columba Jordan, CFR | BREAKING BREAD

Published 2024-01-19
Tony and Sheena host Father Columba Jordan, an Irish Franciscan Friar of the Renewal (CFR), shedding light on the dangers of New Age practices. Join us in a conversation, gaining deep insight to the Catholic Church's stance on such practices. Follow for a down-to-earth discussion about the challenges and discoveries in steering clear of these negative spiritual influences.


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All Comments (21)
  • I love this podcast SO MUCH!!!! I’m a 23 year old girl from America looking to convert to Catholicism. God bless you all!!!
  • @jtheburbs
    Well this isn't what I expected to stumble upon at 5:30 am. I've been struggling with a major depressive episode for a few months and felt the weight lessen during the prayer. I'm also very new to Catholicism seem to have had a similar path to the faith as Fr. Columba. His perspectives on the overlap between some "new age" concepts with Christianity are insanely helpful. Thank you for this interview!
  • Very Good Discussion!! ❤❤❤ “God is the most uncontrolling that I ever met… you can Trust God…” SO Powerful!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • @colleenfrance
    So happy to sit down with y’all in your beautiful green room. Huge fan of CFRs and FrC. A true gift to be invited into your stories. I love hearing how God invites us through our unique interests and desires. I could listen to your beautiful accents all day long ☘️
  • @thecatholicman
    Please please interview author Roger Buck who lives near you. He has incredible stories on the new age and his conversion to Catholicism. love his books.
  • @ctmcatholic
    Great discussion folks! Looking forward to the next one.
  • @Troy701
    Thank you all for your witness.
  • @LeonieMart
    Thankyou and may God bless you all 🙏🏻
  • @isabelrinon
    I once started yoga exercises and my sister was afraid of that. I really hate that fear of almost everything that is not exactly Catholicism because nowadays we should not recommend to go to roman baths and for me it means to be out of the world. When the yogui repeated words in I don't know which language I would pray the Lord's prayer. And I thought that it was a good thing. But my sister's opinion made me feel bad. I'm glad to hear a different opinion.
  • @ichbingenug3565
    I love the green walls and book shelves. Very stylish. 🫣
  • @44esta44
    WOW....lots of time with Father can we hear his sermons?
  • @Psychohippydude
    Tony: …I’ve come back to my first love. Sheena: well, (turns to Fr. Columba) how are we going to follow up from that?!? (30 seconds later) Sheena: …It’s like the Lord is saying, yknow, “SHLOW DOWN TOMMY!!!” :D so good
  • @mariac4602
    Wonderful podcast-love Fr. Columba. But hearing the story about postpartum depression and healing, I think it's very important that we don't make people who experience depression, or any other mental illness, feel like 1) somehow they have 'failed' in their faith if they can't heal from a purely spiritual approach, especially as these conditions are largely bio-chemical imbalances and 2) that they shouldn't seek medical/psychological help. I have heard of people who undergo so much suffering because their mental health struggles and often the shame that accompanies it, was compounded by people saying that if they just "enough faith", they could have been healed.
  • @bahbahnosh
    What does it mean to be in a relationship with God? Is there a fear of strings being attached? Wow!!