TOP 10 HIGHEST PAID LANGUAGES (Freelance Translator)

Published 2022-02-28
For this video, I compiled a list with the highest paying languages in the translation industry (to be taken with a grain of salt). Check it out now!

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Video by Adrian Probst
Spanish subtitles by Facundo Obregón
Brazilian Portuguese subtitles by Bianca Anaia
Indonesian subtitles by Ilham Fadila

Some sources used for the video:…………………….

To subtitle my video into your native language, drop me a message to:
[email protected].

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All Comments (21)
  • Based on my experience as an employee, freelancer and employer of fellow translators, my top 10 excluding English because it's usually the target or source language (before I watch the video) : 1. Chinese 2. Japanese 3. Korean 4. Arabic 5. Spanish 6. French 7. Portuguese 8. German 9. Russian 10. Indonesian
  • So glad to hear that I already speak two of the top 4 (one natively and the second to a B2+ level, possibly) I just got to improve them and should be good to go, thanks so much for the video !!
  • Great video! I'm starting on my education certification now for languages. Languages I have a background in are French, Arabic, Spanish, Japanese and English. This helps me put into perspective future career opportunities.
  • @cierras2488
    I am definitely finding the interesting issue that you mentioned with Arabic. I am a native English speaker who studied Arabic as an undergraduate and then translation in graduate school. It seems like there isn’t much content being translated from Arabic into English (or if there is I’m not seeing it), and there are also a lot of Arabic native speakers translating into English. It’s been very difficult for me to find jobs!
  • Great video! Thank you for your valuable information! I am fluent in Chinese,but now I started to learn German!
  • Fantastic video, Adrian! But I have a few questions, though. 1. What are the rates that are shown on Proz? Are they the rates agencies are paying? 2. Spanish is my strongest language since I was raised in Spain, originally from Bulgaria, though. What language would be more lucrative for me to learn first, Russian or German? Learning any of them would be easy, since I enjoy learning languages and have a pretty good memory. Bulgarian and Russian are 60% mutually intelligible, and I could have an extremely high passive proficiency in Russian in a few months. And I believe it is easier to find an astronaut than it is to find a native Spanish speaker, fluent in any Slavic language. 3. When I check the rates on Proz, for translating into Spanish, I see that some languages that are the same (Bulgarian/Macedonian or Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian/Montenegrin) have different rates. The standard for Bulgarian and Serbian into Spanish is 0.09 euros, and for Macedonian, Bosnian and Croatian is 0.10 euros. How comes? If some Balkan nationalist is going to comment the similarities and differences of these languages, please, do restrain yourself! This is not about politics. Many thanks :)
  • 4 of my languages are in this list and 2 or 3 that I want to learn! What I'm really struggling with is to find what type of markets are in need of translations into English from French, Spanish and Italian.
  • @lih1352
    Hi, I always enjoy your videos. You could literally profit from writing an ebook with all the real tips you provide in your videos. I have an emergency question haha Is it proper to write your name (like give yourself credit) at the end of a translation? I know not all translations but for example I’m translating a magazine right now. I’ve seen people credited at the end of books and such. Do you have a recommendation? I feel super weird turning it in and have them see I wrote my name to give myself credit Lol
  • I am an Arabic English translator and yeah, so much English-Arabic Translators are there which makes it very difficult to find related jobs. I am now unemployed in Iraq sadly but I hope to work sometime soon as my college degree ❤
  • Hi! I’m currently in my last year of high school and have applied today for early entry doing a bachelors degree in languages (Japanese). I am thinking of becoming a translator or subtitler but am not sure. Is doing a bachelors degree in languages a good way to start my journey and career as a translator?
  • You said medical and that got me to watch the video. I am a French and English speakerand pharmacist I will try to find a translation site as I do not know much about it yet.
  • @yahoussein2484
    Hello Adrian, I've sent you an email with a french translation of your video about imposter syndrome last week. Have you received it? Thank you for your inspiring videos!
  • I translate from Portuguese to English and vice versa, and what I find is similar to what you said, build a network and niche down, do a great job and the money will come. Don't learn a new language to translate in just because it supposedly pays better. Thanks for the video!