Cooking with Dan and Lou S2E26

Published 2024-06-27

All Comments (21)
  • My mom's parents adopted me and raised me as theirs. My grandparents taught me to garden for the time I was able to walk. But I loved to help my grandpa harvest and go out and pedal our veggies. I also loved when my grandpa took me fishing. My grandma taught me how to cook. I loved to help her cook and bake. So I learned the old fashioned way to do everything. To that I am thankful for.
  • Leave them in They don’t melt it holds the bacon on. For once Dan you were right LOL. My dad’s parents lived right behind us they were on Main Street and we faced Washington St. As kids we ended up wearing a path to their house. Grandma had a great grapevine of Concord grapes. She would take them put I think a cup of sugar, a cup of grapes and fill a quart mason jar up with water. Then she would do a water bath she’d let him sit for a while and at one point it was the best grape juice you ever drank. We used to drink it watching TV and eating popcorn.
  • @Nurse.Heather
    One of my favorite memories with my Nana was after we picked beans and peas out of the garden, we would sit in front of the TV with big old wash tubs and 'visit' as we shelled peas for hours. It doesn't sound like much but oh the stories she could tell.
  • @AZJH8374
    Lou, you look absolutely gorgeous today. Beautiful blouse, with your hair pulled back. You look very professional 👏 like a chef 👩‍🍳 👌 I'm impressed. God bless you all and many prayers 🙏🏻 Nurse Judi in Scottsdale AZ and Eucharistic Minister 🙏🏻 ❤️ ☦️ 💙
  • @vkristinaholmes
    This one made me cry. So many happy memories with my Grandma and Grandpa, I remember mushroom and blueberry picking with my Grandma and sometimes Grandpa. My Grandpa taught me how to use a saw and to build things, and I loved working with them both in their garden. Or sitting with my Grandma and playing with buttons and stuff when she was sewing. Just floods of memories! Loved to hear all the ones you all had. Just lost my Grandma at 98 years old last August. Both of them survived WWII and came from Europe. Strong people and loving people.
  • @lisahicks4697
    Awe I teared when an bri sang , my paw an nanny was picking potatoes or harvesting them. And walking the pastures with paw he had a horse that stole his tobacco roll , he’d pick a plant cure it then chew the horse loved it
  • Oh my “Maw” was the most loving … she’d hug you tight and pat you on the back hard with her hugs! Eastern Ky and had no indoor plumbing at their house. But she made sure we had the “pee pot” by the back door when we were little because we feared the outhouse lol. And could never forget her burnt cornbread lol. She burned it every time in her cast iron skillet. Now my dad’s mom I don’t remember much as I was 5 when she passed. But only thing I really remember is her kitchen … she ran a store in the back of their one bedroom house…(had 14kids!) but anyway only true memory is walking in the kitchen and her breaking beans to can and sell, her leg propped up (gout) big ol bowl in her lap and my aunts sitting around helping. She would hand us few beans to break for her to say we helped. She had a garden and flowers all around their little house and the flowers would grow as tall as their fence and she had beautiful blue eyes and a sweet smile. My dad swears his momma was the best woman in the world and talks highly of her and her parents.
  • @reclusivelovey
    I had to sit down & be quiet while my grandma watched her soap operas. On the other hand Grandpa taught me about garden, flowers, playing cards, took me places. I miss those simpler days. ❤
  • @ds3333
    My favorite memory was when my grandfather hooked up his tractor to the wagon (a wagon he built from scratch), and pulled all of us, and my cousins over the hills and to the back pasture where we had a picnic all day next to the clearest branch. My grandmother's cooking was the best. I will never forget eating in the dining hall and my dad and uncle cutting up and laughing with their shoulders going up and down and my grandmother trying her best not to laugh out loud. The best of times on the farm. Of course, they are all gone now. My cousins have what's left of the farmland, but it's no longer farmed.
  • @paulaemler9005
    My grandfather was a bootlegger. He worked for my grandmother’s father, bringing booze barrels to our O’Leary cousins in Kentucky.
  • My memory was with my Nanny. Every Saturday she would come to visit and we would go for a ride in our state park and count how many campers were there. I do that now with my grands!
  • @barbglueck3118
    Missourian here, never knew that about the salami sandwich. Learned something new. Never poke hole in my potatoes if putting in the oven , only if I put in microwave.
  • My Paternal Grandparents lived in NATCHITOCHES, and I loved 🥰 sitting on the porch at night when it cooled off falling asleep…But picking eggs and chicken ringing their necks for dinner Sunday was awesome….My Maternal Grandparents moved back to Houston after 50+ years in Chicago…Borh in there 90 when they came back and I loved the years we finished out with them….My Kids were able to know there Great Grandparents then….Those are memories for all of us…Popa Tony was 99 when he passed and 6 years later at 102 Moma Zarada..I still miss them so much, both are with my parents in Heaven now….😊❤
  • @nansnyder7770
    Good Morning PawPaw and All of the Morrow Family 💝👏💜 Love you All and enjoy your videos so much 💗 😎💪🌹
  • @kimmil7299
    My Grandpa used to sing old songs whenever I asked him. He would sing all the verses to O' Susanna , some of which I never heard before. Wish I recorded him singing. He had a good voice and was a great story teller. I know he is with Jesus right now telling stories. :face-red-heart-shape: My Grandma used to tickle me! She also rubbed my back and played Old Maid and Go Fish with me. :face-red-heart-shape:
  • @Jackie-Verchot
    I didn’t have the opportunity to know my grandparents. Both my mother & dad’s parents passed away before I was born. Love the memories. ❤
  • @jilliant.4550
    If the packaging does not say it is cut from the beef tenderloin, then no it is not filet mignon. It is just a filet of beef, usually end cuts or round steak cuts.
  • My paternal grandma we didn’t she as much as our maternal grandma but every time she came to visit, she always made us cupcakes with lots of sprinkles! ❤ To this day, I always make cupcakes for my 12 grandkids with sprinkles. ❤️
  • @Sandy-es5ge
    Loved hearing everyone’s memories of their grandparents. My Grandfather and my mother both passed 3 months apart in the same year, I was 7. Shortly after we moved in with Grandma. Every day there was a elderly man named Jake that would park across the street from my grandma’s house and carpool to his job, and every day when he would arrive back at his car my grandma would be at the door standing. Well me being young I thought my grandma was in love 🥰 so one day I decided to help her. As she was standing at the door I yelled out “Jake my grandma Loves you” My grandma had a nice thick pancake Turner in her hand and it landed across my behind. I still to this day don’t know who’s cheeks were redder me or my grandma’s 😂😂😂 Oh by the way Dan we’ve all seen how you drive a nail that nail gun doesn’t count!!😂😂😂 Just messing with you.
  • Love the stories. My mom's side, Grandpa taught me how to play rummy and always had a toothpick in his mouth, Grandma used to do crafts with me. Dad's side (lived in Pa, us in NY) would fly his plane on a Saturday, pick me and my sister up and take us to his house and fly us back on Sunday. Grandma, planted a fruit tree for each of us and made desserts from our tree, along with all kinds of other goodies. ❤🍯