Elder Jeffrey R. Holland Urges BYU to Embrace Its Uniqueness, Stay True to the Savior

Published 2021-08-23
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spoke Monday to staff at Brigham Young University (BYU) during the first day of the institution’s 2021 University Conference.

The former BYU student (in the 1960s) and president (1980–1989) expressed his deep love for the university, noted the blessings of a school focused on the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, and praised faculty for their many accomplishments. He also emphasized their opportunity and duty to be true to those teachings, as given by living prophets and apostles.

Quoting former Church president Spencer W. Kimball, Elder Holland said BYU can become an “educational Mt. Everest”—but only, the Apostle added, “to the degree it embraces its uniqueness, its singularity. … [W]e must have the will to stand alone, if necessary, being a university second to none in its role primarily as an undergraduate teaching institution that is unequivocally true to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in the process. … Until ‘we all come [to] the unity of the faith, and . . . [have grown to] the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ’ [Ephesians 4:13], our next best achievement will be to stay in harmony with the Lord’s anointed, those whom He has designated to declare Church doctrine and to guide Brigham Young University as its trustees.”

All Comments (21)
  • @MM-st6vu
    As a member of the church who struggles with SSA, I greatly appreciate Elder Holland’s talk. BYU is a great institution.
  • @ajosephcook
    What an absolutely amazing talk. I believe it was Jesus’s talk, just delivered by Elder Holland. This man loves B.Y.U. more than anybody on the planet. What a humble, intelligent, wise, man of God. God bless you Elder Holland! And thank you for your remarkable delivery of Jesus’s talk. He would be proud of you.
  • @johnw4619
    I have been a close student of Elder Holland's life, words and works over the past 20 years. It was his words that rescued me during the darkest and most challenging time in my life. At a time when I was just trying to hang on to hope, I downloaded every speech he ever gave as president of BYU and listened over and over again - some more than a dozen times. I felt the Spirit so strongly as I listened and tried to apply his words to my own life. His deep love for and certain witness of the Savior, coupled with his masterful teaching brought me closer to Christ, who saw me through the darkness until the light came again. I love him. I stand by him. He is a true messenger. And, by the way, he has also been a true friend to our LGBTQ brothers and sisters - he has shown the way in hearing, loving, and reaching out to this community. Anyone who has studied his words will know this. Thank you Elder Holland.
  • Says “I can’t imagine anything I could add” and then goes on to add one of the most powerful messages ever.
  • @pamelamagre1133
    Thankyou elder Holland. Courage is needed today to stand up for something and he has that courage. It would be so much “easier” for the church to go the way the majority want to hear in the world. It takes courage to be different. It takes courage to give this kind of talk
  • @tdijon7
    Thank you for putting words to the feelings that many of us are having.
  • Just as poignant and perspicacious and needed now (Feb. 2024) as it was when given. I loved his inspired leadership in 1984 when I was a graduate student at BYU, and have been inspired for the last 40 years by his continued apostolic leadership, example of charity and kindness, and balanced by the courage it has taken to address the issues that are wounding this generation of God's children both in and out of the Church.
  • @carolm3468
    And this was 3 years ago. Can you imagine this same speech today? The world has gotten even more divisive. I appreciate his sincere position of caring and showing compassion. You can be compassionate without agreeing with people who go against church doctrine. And he surely is. Yes, I attended BYU 50 years ago. Simpler times for sure, and a wonderful experience.
  • @kayholker
    I marvel at how some take words by a Prophet of God, one of His 12 Apostles and see anything in his words that is not in accordance to the view of the Savior. I saw nothing in this talk that I could not support. I am a convert of 58 years and still love this Church and Elder Holland so much. He has always been my favorite speaker in the church. I love many others, including our Prophets, but he is the person who makes me cry every time I hear him speak because I feel the Spirit so strongly when he speaks. He finds me wherever I am and helps me through his talks. God bless you Elder Holland, Jesus was persecuted too, and people talked badly of Him because they didn't like what he told them. You are in the greatest company possible, so keep going and preaching His gospel. We love you. I just feel bad when people talk badly of you. Know that the majority support you and love you.
  • @pamcyr5948
    Thank you, Elder Holland. You are truly an apostle of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and you speak the truth with love, sensitivity and power just as the Savior would.
  • @vonsowards1297
    This talk was a pivotal moment for my family. Elder Holland’s message provided such clarity on subjects that had been troubling mine and my wife’s minds for months leading up to this. Thank you Elder Holland! And thanks be to God for modern prophets!!
  • I listened to every word of this exquisitely composed and graciously delivered devotional address. He appropriately expressed and implored all to embrace Christian love and respect toward our LGBT brothers and sisters, while sensitively proclaiming Eternal truths regarding the Great Plan of Happiness. I judge his sermon to be a masterpiece of understanding and balance relative to the chosen subject. I invite all to prayerfully consider his words in the context of one who is uniquely qualified to address all facets of this subject material. Love all, serve all, speak truth in kindness. Home run, Elder Holland!
    I love all his speeches and talks. This was a great talk. I sustain Elder Holland.
  • @lorihall3368
    BYU gave me some great & poignant spiritual, social, educational & personal experiences & memories that have Helped me for the 40 years since And gave me friends that have helped me along that long too. BYU gave me an anchor of hope for a better day, & Gave me a view of the possibilities A forever zion can be even through Struggling to overcome the many adversities that constantly try to beset me From time to time.
  • There have been times when I have felt that life’s burdens were heavy and driving me into the dirt. Your special words and love have always picked me up, dusted me off, and sent me on my way. Your truly an Apostle of the Lord and cannot thank you enough for your service! Thank you, I love you Elder Holland! I love and sustain all of you from President Nelson down to the very nursery leaders! Thank you, Thank you!
  • @dfre102
    Elder Holland, as a gay member of the Church, thank you for what you said! I am so saddened to see so many members falling to the deceptions of Satan because of the very effective propaganda of the LGBT and Pride movement. I am gay myself but want nothing to do with those movements. God is the one who saves me, and He asks me to lose myself and take up my cross and follow Him.
  • @hollyodii5969
    I love elder Jeffery R. Holland, and I sustain him. He is a true apostle of Jesus Christ.
  • @andrewcroft5730
    26:29 "As near as I can tell, Christ never once witheld his love from anyone. But he also never once said to anyone, Because I love you, you're exempt from keeping my commandments. We're tasked with striking that same sensitive, demanding balance in our lives."