Star Trek Enterprise - Captain Archer threatens Sim

Published 2014-10-14
Copyright owned by Paramount.
Scott Bakula and Connor Trinneer.

Star Trek Enterprise.
Season 3 Episode 10. Similitude.

Captain Archer is determined, and nothing will stand in his way. His cold threat of reality is bone chilling.

Bakula's talent shines. This was a great show, and it ended too early.

All Comments (21)
  • @craigmarksully
    Goosebumps every time. Archer's conscience was the casualty of this mission. Bakula is so underrated in Trek. Up there with the best for me.
  • @CoolsBreeze
    These scenes during Season 3 where Archer has to cross moral lines to save Earth are what made the season and the show amazing.
  • @CommanderWolf888
    Bakula's acting here was top notch. "Don't make me one," felt so visceral, like a half threat-half plea. Amazes me every time.
  • "I don't have to tell you what's at stake. I must complete this mission. And to do that, I need Trip! Trip! I'll take whatever steps necessary to save him..." Probably my favorite scene of every series. So powerful, the desperation in Scott Bakula's performance where he absolutely cannot fail this time.
  • @cerickson017
    This is how you make a difficult, moral dilemma, Voyager fell flat with Tuvix, but Enterprise nailed it.
  • @MandoMTL
    I love how Archer says it like it is. For his brother (best friend), and the mission, he'll throw his sense of morality overboard and gladly live with the ramifications.
  • @1streetmagic
    Archer is my favourite captain, he’s the first and the best in my book
  • @thedavecorp
    I admire the strength it must take to do what needs to be done. The, for lack of a better phrase, cold logic.
  • @KyleRuggles
    Damn I loved this scene! Archer... badass!!! "Even if it means killing you...."
  • @videowilliams
    Strong scene here. And a great dilemma for the commander.
  • @CopperJenny
    This was a very disturbing and thought-provoking episode. Great job by the cast.
  • @steveblog1
    When you know the mission will cost your morals and your soul, but you sacrifice them anyway. Archer was a hell of a Captain!
  • @prolamer7
    I also love that Archer after Xindi arc started to hate Daniels for being sloppy in his job and forced Archer unto this alternate reality where he must been darker that he should have been. I always suspected suliban shadow mentor might be in fact future Archer trying to rectify things only to make perfect paradox. Which would explain why Daniels had hard time doing his job X-D despite all his superior knowledge! 1
  • If Sim truly had Trip's memories, this subject would have never come up. He would have went on time to sick bay and his end. Trip may have loved T'Pol, but he was Archer's friend and shipmate. His devotion to duty was second to none.
  • @GreatSphynx
    I watch this video every night to be reminded that I need Trip.
  • @helenreidt3315
    Everytime I see one of these just pisses me off again that they stopped this series so soon. It's right up there with NG, and DS9.
  • @yazzyk1
    Man.. Bakula rules! End of story!
  • @jbmartin6
    This scene is why Archer was the best Star Trek captain