America's FIRST B-21 Raider: The Stealth Bomber Feared Around the World

Published 2024-05-24
Senior Air Force leaders have issued a stark warning, highlighting the vulnerability of the United States bomber fleet to potential enemy threats. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Air Force has witnessed a significant decline, resulting in a fleet that is a fraction of its former size, comprising roughly 1,500 fighters and 135 bombers. This diminished fleet, characterized by its age and limited readiness, presents a concerning reality for national defense. Fighter jets now average 26 years in age, while bombers approach nearly 49 years. Maintaining these aging aircraft operational is a constant struggle, with only 60% of combat aircraft currently deemed mission-capable. Such statistics underscore the severity of the situation; in the event of heightened tensions with China leading to full-scale conflict, the Air Force would be operating with a mere fraction of the combat-ready resources available during past major confrontations with peer adversaries...

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