Driver Stupefied On The Phone Fails To See Pedestrians WD14WDM

Published 2014-08-17
Driver, your idiocy of using a mobile phone while driving nearly caused you to miss TWICE the pedestrians crossing the road.
Please drive safe and put your phone down while driving.


All Comments (21)
  • @JoeSoap76
    Not even 'just' talking on his phone, but clearly trying to text and drive which is simply insane. He clearly doesn't realise how lucky he was not to have killed somebody there. What an arse.
  • @BicyCos
    What an arrogant man. Please send this to the police and ensure he gets 3 points on his licence and a £100 fine.
  • @Camsplint
    Given the level of deliberate illegality here, I'd have been strongly tempted to deliver the message about phone use in Morse code, on his roof, with a D Lock.
  • We should get some stickers made to put on side windows that say I'm using my phone whilst driving ...
  • @taber247
    Whilst the pedestrian is on the crossing All of the traffic should be Stationary, and Not preceeding because their half of the crossing has been cleared by the pedestrian.
  • Do NOT continue through a zebra crossing until all pedestrians have reached the opposite side. You don't pull away once a pedestrian at the crossing has cleared your side of the road but is still on the crossing. The driver and the cabbie both did this. And so did you, on your bike.
  • arrogant dangerous driving without due care,name and shame these gits and ride safe bud
  • @jackharris811
    Report him to the Police, surely they can use this evidence and prosecute him. 
  • @paulstevens9409
    I thought you said he didnt see the pedestrian? But you are right, he was later spotting them on crossing. People that do this while driving deserve everything they get
  • I think cities should set up a system where citizens can turn in video of people doing this and they can write them a ticket. This endangers lives.
  • @alexo989
    to be honest the main hazards I see in this video are the bicyclists , not the phone
  • I get the same thing all the time. There were 3 today on a 10 minute walk. They couldn’t care less. One I reprimanded just responded with ‘and’ it didn’t get caught’ He didn’t care that it was illegal or dangerous. None of them do.
  • People who use their phones without a hands free set while driving should get a ten thousand dollars/euros/pounds fine on the spot with no exceptions. And a 3 months licence suspension. The addiction is real !!
  • @Cumbriahandyman
    If there is no profit in it for the local police they are not interested.
  • Drove over a zebra crossing, on the phine, barely registered the pedestrian and kept driving holding the phone… why this wasnt a big dine and points is beyond me
  • With so many drivers not giving a shit the law needs to be far more severe in these cases. If you get caught your car gets impounded as with driving with no insurance.
  • At the start of the video there are two tour buses parked in a marked parking space, I wonder why the authority's have installed the parking space right opposite a traffic island where pedestrians cross. Forcing them to emerge from between the parked buses. Bad Planning is as bad as distracted driving.
  • @l1nds290
    You can Definatly tell by the comments who use there phone whilst driving, I hope one day the get a knock on the door saying a member of there family is in hospital due to being run down... by some one using there phone whilst driving..
  • @mjp8845
    No excuse......give them immediate 6 points and £2000 immediate fine.....can't pay ? .....take the car away