AlphaGo to Zero: Revisiting AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol, Game 2, with Michael Redmond 9p

Published 2020-06-26
Originally aired on May 17, 2020

All Comments (21)
  • @mikeyoung9810
    Thos days of Lee Sedol and you two doing the commentary were some of the most enjoyable times during that alphago match. I got really excited about Go for awhile. I've since cooled because I have no idea what I'm doing wrong and sadly I don't have a million man hours left in me to make much progress. But thanks again for a very interesting time during that match.
  • @esakoskinen5034
    I recently rewatched the documentary and this was extremely interesting to see afterwards. Thank you Chris and Michael for the review and sharing your perspective and experiences in more detail!
  • @ewalltom
    Regarding D14, the Korean fellow doing the commentary for the channel while Michael and Chris were doing the commentary in Korea said if D14 was a good move, then the program was stronger than he was. He was very impressed with the move.
  • @sinfinite7516
    Loved the revisit to these Alpha Go v. Lee Sedol videos!!!
  • @MrStarchild3001
    Just ordered the book! Deeply appreciate the book and the free videos. Thank you!!
  • @decidrophob
    1:32:18 D14 is the move Myungwhan Kim referred to as "if AlphaGo knows that this is working, then she knows the entire board, and hence Lee Sedol has no chance".
  • @GerSHAK
    If anybody reads these old comments, I would absolutely love to see Michael revisit the AlphaGo vs Ke Jie games, too. <3
  • @ConsciousBreaks
    This video has the longest intro of all time; you can see Michael wanting to start the commentary already lol
  • @seapanda-117
    I know it's been said already, but thanks for the material. I tried to watch the recording of you guys doing the live commentary of the games, but they are all a little jittery and jumpy. Were they corrupted or were they edited like that? Also Steven, thanks for the work editing these. Michael and Chris acknowledge you every video, but I don't think we do. I can't watch these live, so I appreciate you editing them!
  • @osuf3581
    MCTS with neural networks for either move prediction or evaluation has existed as an approach for many years prior to AlphaGo; no one had made it work well enough to beat the "strong-amateur" rule-based bots though.
  • @decidrophob
    1:20:00 I understand that Lee Sedol's first regret in the post-game analysis was that he did not play F4 (1 in the variation) instead of E5. He possibly saw this move in real time as well, but he most probably judged the sequence from E5 cut was even clearly better for white, not allowing black to defend F6 cutting point in one way or another. In Go Premium Channel, Takao Shinji said at the time the actual sequence in the game in which white secured the bottom stones was clearly in favor of white, and he found it hard too see what AlphaGo was trying to accomplish in this local fight. I have also had trouble seeing that the sequence played in the game was in favor of black. Your explanation in this video and the book, the squeeze from the center (1:13:00) seems the most convincing verbal explanation for the positional judgment in favor of black. I think it was hard for the humans, including Lee Sedol himself, to assess this cut black group (D5 group) as thickness. At the time, I was like Takao Shinji feeling that black only created a heavy group in exchange for almost nothing.
  • @Vonsen
    I see your book is currently available only in pdf/ebook form. Will you be publishing it as a print book eventually?
  • Around 50:00 ... About this peep, I think that it is somewhat important that Black plays it without the extension on the lower side. Maybe if he does play the extension the group would be strong enough by itself that the peep is pointless and does not contribute enough to justify erasing the aji on the right side. My point is that maybe the reason that the older masters didn't like it is that they hadn't considered playing away from the lower side and so they only had that shape with a strong group and strengthening it with the peep was a net loss in that context. What do you think about that reasoning?
  • @jonathan4055
    I have posted subtitles in French for the game, they will ask for you to review could you please approve them :D
  • @kwccoin3115
    8:25 it will take another 20 years to program … that I think is 20 years just like nuclear fusion … the question never ask is but what happen if you kick human out of the loop and do not human programming