WiAD - Balancing Work & Family in Aid, Development & Humanitarian Sector - Online Event July 2024

Published 2024-07-16
Critical in securing senior roles is the knowledge that a career will progress after a break, because balancing family and work can be quite difficult, and overseas placements with partners and children, a challenge. Add to this the new ‘norm’ of hybrid working arrangements, where your home may have become your office, also impacting families and that work/life balance.

So how do working mothers and those with other caring responsibilities ‘juggle’ their roles and responsibilities in the sector, and what can we do to better carve out the necessary flexibilities, to ensure we don’t lose staff, particularly those in direct program roles?

Our vision is an aid and development sector in which women support women to be successful in their careers and to achieve gender parity across leadership roles. Our Speakers share their experience and how they faced challenges in securing roles and progressing their careers to become Team leaders, Managers, CEO's and Directors.

Our Winter Online session at lunchtime on Tuesday 16 July heard first-hand experience of Sector Mothers, and others, and how organisations in the sector can better support career development.

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