What to Expect in Your 60s: 10 Things You Might Want to Know About Aging


コメント (12)
  • Want to reverse most of the things you listed? I did. Age 63, 9 months ago started LCHF, with intermittent fasting to reverse my T2D. Lost 57 lbs so far but the other benefits of going almost carnivore have been amazing!! Collagen renewal and my skin is so much better, decreasing bladder leaks, no more aging belly, all skin tags disappeared. Zero brain fog due to high fat diet (butter, olive oil only) Have not needed any deodorant for last 4 months, sweating no longer a problem..and I was a wet mess in summer for years. Those symptoms are not inevitable. Plant based diet last 10 years nearly killed me. Meat, with a few occasional veggies...as close to zero carb as possible and I am now on no meds, excellent labs for first time in my life. Feel 20 years younger. No milk or soy products...worse thing ever for post menopausal woman
  • Some of the things you mentioned are indicators of metabolic disease. Skin tags, for example, are a sign of insulin resistance. I suggest we all start seeing a functional medicine practitioner and discuss some of these symptoms to make sure they aren’t part of a larger problem, like adrenal fatigue.
  • I felt exactly the same and was full of piss & vinegar right up until I hit 60! After that I'd have days where I'd wake up feeling like I was in a bar fight the night before, and now at 66 I find if I eat anything before 6PM I (literally) stumble around foggy headed and feeling drunk all day long! But If I wait to 6PM to eat anything I can function normally, altho much slower than as in my 50's and before but still sharp as a tack and able to get things done! And I have a farm and am remodeling my house, and mechanic-ing on my old 4WD truck, my sports car, and my tractors, lawn mowers, welding, fabricating, etc. etc! I use an old ShopCraft vibrating sander with felt pad all over my body, (feels so good too!) on my head, over my heart, my groin areas, etc. and that keeps circulation up to snuff and altho I have tinnitus I can still hear a pin hit the floor, (no I'm not joking!) and my brain is sharp as a tack, and ole willy has no posture problems and I never need that little blue pill either just a little Geritol here and there, so vitamins and exercise and massage and fasting is the answer!
  • @BR-kk9qu
    This was so helpful! Thank you!
  • I’m not in my 60’s yet, but the ten things you list I have never seen in any of my group of friends. Are you sure you don’t mean 80’s lol? I guess it comes down to the fact that we have always been active, into fitness and healthy eating. I think these days this is not the norm. I don’t notice aging until maybe women are in their 80’s unless they are drinkers and smokers.
  • Skin tags, #6, are a sign of insulin resistance, as another commenter said. I’ve been eating 95% carnivore for almost 7 months now, and I feel a lot better! I have a tiny skin tag next to an eyelid, and it’s gotten smaller since eating this way. I’ve also lost 27 lbs., and easily, probably of mostly visceral fat, which is the dangerous kind. My liver and digestion are great! I sleep better, and best of all, my mood is calm. Things don’t bother me as much since switching my diet. 🙏 Ah: P.S. I’m about to turn 65. 🤩
  • Thank you so much for this information. I am now 60, experiencing some of these and concerned if this was common, etc. Thank you again. Joined your site.
  • Very good tips! I'm in my late 50s and already developed some of those issues. Thank you, very good video. :)
  • I m seriouselyooking life partner I m alone life very hard Well u merry me come meet me I m wait ❤❤😍😍