EFAP Movies - Minis - Discussing Adaptation and the Theatrical vs. Extended I


コメント (21)
  • @RagingEggs
    The prologue for 12 hours of LOTR trilogy is 5 minutes. The prologue for 10 hours of ROP is 20 minutes. The difference in skill between the writers is astonishing.
  • @DaveE7492
    19:22 Dunlendings were part of Saruman's army at Helms Deep. After the defeat of Saruman's army in the battle, many Dunlendings surrendered and were spared by the Rohirrim, who put them to work repairing the broken walls of the Hornburg. After which, they were released on condition that they never enter Rohan again carrying weapons. This surprised the Dunlendings as Saruman had told them the Rohirrim burned their captives alive. After this, there was peace between Rohan and Dunland.
  • Extended, always. Theatricals are still great, but the additions in the extended versions are exactly that, additions, giving more context and develpment to the characters and plot. Hands down the better versions, IMO.
  • Okay look, there is ONE ASPECT in which the theatrical cut has a point over extended. And that is in Return of the King, when Aragorn makes his proposition to the undead army, "WHAT SAY YOU!", it hard cuts away and all of the escape from the underground, the capturing of the corsair ships, all of that is cut. And I think that really works well, because the next moment we see him, its out of NOWHERE AND ITS THE MOST BADASS ENTRANCE OF ALL TIME. The fact that it was at the lowest possible moment, and so much has happened since we last saw the Aragorn party, wondering what has happened, the anxiety of that the peril of the current moment, all relieved at once in what is to me one of the greatest moments in all of cinema. And I just feel like that's undercut slightly by the fact that we see the whole escape and capturing of the ships right after. We already know from that point that, at least the battle of Minas Tirith, is gonna work out. That's literally the only aspect in which I prefer the theatrical cut. If I could have that one aspect and keep everything else about the extended versions I would be so happy.
  • When I was a kid I thought the Gandalf opening for two towers was just showing how he died. I thought it was awesome and then I think I was quite surprised when he came back.
  • I think the whole scene with Tom Bombadil could have been kept, but instead of the extended meeting, Tom's there because the trees told him about The Hobbit's passing through the Barrow Wight's graves, and Tom not only rescuing them but also giving them guidance on a path to go.
  • 11:35 The purpose of Tom Bombadil in the story (and his insulation from the effects of the ring) is to illustrate the evils that can occur when powerful people bear no consequences for their actions or inactions. Tom won't destroy the ring because it doesn't matter to him. He is eternal. I think it's a deeper point than most people can intuit when watching/reading the story. That's why they think he's silly, they don't understand the LITERARY purpose of Tom.
  • 15:03 unlike in the movies, where he just quietly hands over the sword that cut Sauron’s finger off, he actually cares about his sword and warns the rohirrim that any man who try’s to draw the blade of isildur will be doomed
  • I am glad we will always have these to remind ourselves that yes. Writers can be good and directing as well when PASSION and CARE is there. Tolkiens work is a treasure and it saddens me to see what they are doing with the IP
  • None of these guys have read the books recently 14:42 Aragon is wracked with doubt from Moria to isenguard, and he is very careful not to force his claim to the throne. Jesus now I remember why I never finished the full videos of these the clips are triggering enough as it is
  • Wait what? Didn't Aragorn refuse to enter Minas Tirith out of respect for Denethor after the battle. He only entered after the news of his death and that Eowyn needed healing with his Kingly healing abilities. Sounds pretty humble to me. Although i do also agree certain things were done better in the movies. Faramir not being effected by the ring although explained in the books, in the movies their was simply not time to go into the power numernorean blood and with that said showing Boromir and Faramirs relationship was so much better. The books were filled with so much meaning in everything it's very hard to fit it all in like Merry's sword and it's effect on the Witch King. Also Theoden was done very well in the movies.
  • @rogerborg
    I never liked the Glowing Galadriel scene, because they had Kate Blanchett on set, and didn't need all the floops and fleems. Contrast with Mighty Morfydd Power Elf, which no amount of costumes, score, CGI or editing can fix.
  • I don't think anyone will actually read this, but I always liked the Tom Bombadil section for basically exactly the reason that everyone else hates it: it has nothing to do with their overall quest. I love both the books and the movies, as well as Tolkien's world generally, but in the movies it does kind of come across like everything in the world revolves around the quest. This is actually a bit of a problem with the Silmarillion as well -- it sort of gives the impression that everything that happens in the world ties back to the Valar and the ancient battle between good and evil, whereas in basically all of the Hobbit and the Bombadil section of LOTR, you get the idea that this is a big magical world and if you go on an adventure, sometimes you'll just stumble into a magical scenario that doesn't actually involve your problems in any way, and you just have to make it through that to get on with your business. Tom Bombadil does not make LOTR better, but he does make Middle Earth better.
  • @Malentor
    The Silmarillion was an amazing read, I enjoyed it a lot more than the tedium of a lot of the Lord of the Rings.
  • @Zeyga
    I'd love to see EFAP's opinions of the Arcane trailer!
  • @B_Man99
    I saw the theatrical’s first so I have a Soft spot for them, seeing them in theaters with fans for the first time was an awesome experience in itself
  • @Kainvverd
    Extended... The more Lord of the Rings we can have the better. That's an easy choice.