Transitioning Later in Life MTF - Transgender

Published 2019-01-20
MTF Transitioning in your 30's, 40's or 50's. Realizing you're Transgender later in life and deciding to transition while raising kids and being married - it involves everyone

All Comments (21)
  • I'm 75 and I'm at 1yr and 7months on hormones and I have a most supportive family, and this is not an easy journey, but worth it for me.
  • @jameshembree250
    Im Jennifer im from Carlisle,Ohio im 45 years old and im on hrt currently for 14 months have 3 teenage kids and separated from my wife of 20 years. But i totally relate to your struggles,ive struggled since i was 6 years old,and now im seeing the real me and its a dream come true! My kids and family are so supportive,even my ex wife to be! Im not ashamed at all at my age to transition,like you said everything happens for a reason! But im so happy and this summer i will have my main surgery!
  • @melissawest43
    Your wife is incredible. She is one in a million and worth treasuring. I figured it out at the age of 70 so do not feel guilty about transitioning late in life. You look good, happy and confident. Fortunately, I have always looked young for my age.
  • I am 1 month away from GRS, and I am turning 53 on the day of my surgery. I came out in April 2019. My wife has also stood by me. So much of what you have said strikes a chord with me. I have never been happier in my life. The challenges have been enormous, but the rewards have been much greater . And you are a beautiful woman 💜💜💜
  • @handyfootman
    Kelly you are a natural in front of that Camera. I subscribed earlier today and watched the one of Audrey and yourself in the Q&A session. It was a joy to watch, seeing how much in love you both are. Such a rare and beautiful gift for us Transgender ladies. I am now 65+ and have lived full time as a woman but have yet to start HRT etc. As you know there is a huge waiting list to get started here in u.k. So young lady I consider you very fortunate in as much as you have a great doctor on your side as well as a beautiful wife. I look forward in following your journey. Take care, stay safe. Thank you both for being who you are x Raych
  • I admire you for being so strong , I am 71 and wish I could make the change
  • @MrBhofff
    Congratulations welcome to women hood. I am 49 and figured it out a year ago. Unfortunately my wife does not want anything to do with it and we just adopted two kids. I wish you the best of luck and you are so lucky to have a special lady like your wife.
  • Howdy neighbor you look fab. Sending you good vibrations hope they reach.
  • @raelynnclinard
    thank you so much for sharing! (I know.. 3 years later..) I started transitioning a few months ago and I'll be 42 next month. I completely agree. If you may be trans, you should take the plunge asap and you won't regret it!
  • @merlinsk1
    Started hormones a year ago and at 69 yrs old I understand what you are talking about
  • My fiancee is a transgender woman who starred transitioning later later as well. She knew that she was different when she was younger. I do support her finishing the rest of her transitioning process.
  • Absolute inspiration. 34 and started hrt about 3 months ago. I agree with don't think its to late to start
  • @sureitsme2
    You are an inspiration hun. I am in my early 60's and going through my transition. You ARE blessed with a loving wife and beautiful inside and out. Don't you forget it. Take care x
  • @ricciisreal5773
    I just saw this and now don’t feel “weird” as I feel about the same at 59. Never married, seldom dated, enjoy my many female friends but never chased them.
  • @Aspire2Cycle
    You are beautiful, thank you for this video! I just came out as Transgender New Year's day. I'm 54 and have known I have a female mind. Like you I believe I was female in another life! It wasn't until about 3 months ago that I realized that I was trans and needed to live my life that way. I have a appointment with my LGBTQ clinic in March to see about starting HRT. So far everyone has been very supportive of my journey. I am single and don't mind being alone but my best friend is what keeps me going. God bless. ❤️
  • @teddybear0313
    OMG, we're so SO identical... My story is very similar to yours almost identical, even going back into childhood. If you have an FB page look up Daisy m Sissy, I'll tell you more, this does really help, knowing that there are people out there with similar stories as me.
  • @Chloedawnknauer
    I wish I had seen this 5 years ago. I came out as trans just over a year ago at 65. You very right about the bad old days. I'm sure we all have our horror stories. You are very right when you say the whole family is effected. My kids are in their 30s andctheybare stugling with this. I actually enjoy shopping now😊, my wife and I are having blast. Not sure if you are still making content but thankyou this morning I needs a boost, hrt can be a bitch.
  • @simplyselena7
    I’m so proud of you! I’m still scared to transition with hrt cuz of the risks . There’s breast cancer history in my family and that puts me at a higher risk so I’m terrified 😫 but I want to so bad
  • @Britneygurl
    Hi Kelly. I don't know if you'll get this message or not since it looks like it's been a while since you posted to this channel. I just wanted to tell you is that what you said in this video resonated with me more than any video I've seen so far. It's funny that your video is about 5 years old now. At the time you were 47 and on 5 months HRT. I find there's a lot of parallels with your life and mine. I could talk about it for quite a while it's not really enough space here in a comment for that. I came out as trans last summer at the age of 45. As of me writing this I am 46 and have been on HRT for 5 months. So very close to the timeline of your video. I live on a 2 and a third acres here in British Columbia. My wife and I have been building our little hobby farm for about 10 years now. I really resonated with the fact that you used to wear skirts. I wear skirts for about 20 years before coming out as trans. I used to wear them all the time although most people I knew didn't see me in them. My wife had seen me in them for years. I used to go into different forums back then about guys wearing skirts. Trying to find some sort of normalcy to it. Trying to figure out how I can get away with wearing skirts and still being a man. I knew about trans people and couldn't relate to them in a lot of ways. They were very much over the top. Say that things like transitioning that were a bit too much. Internally though, I really respected them, I was actually very envious of them. My childhood is very similar incense of finding out that I had this interest at an early age. Of course back then this was not okay. Shortly after having my first kid I stopped wearing skirts. I got a lot of shame for wanting to do so. And I didn't want my child to be embarrassed about me. I figured it would re-enter my life at some point. But as of the beginning of last year I had no idea what was in store for me. Now on for 5-months HRT having come out to friends and family i am finally getting a chance to find my true self for the first time in my life. I find it's kind of funny me writing this right now in my greenhouse as you were recording your video in yours. Although it's nice and warm here in mine. Anyway now that I found that your first video, I'm going to add the rest of them to my playlist. I look forward to hearing about your journey. Thank you so much for sharing it. ❤ Britt
  • @Louisejames23
    From what you’ve said you deserve to be happy in whichever way you choose. Some people don’t want you to change for their own reasons and you have to do what’s best for you, good luck in your future 👍❤️