What Syphilis Does to the Body | And Should You Get Tested?

Published 2023-07-02
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What Syphilis Does to the Body | And Should You Get Tested?


In this video, Jonathan from the Institute of Human Anatomy discusses what causes syphilis, the problems it causes throughout the body, how it is treated, as well as who should consider getting tested.


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Video Timeline

00:00 - 00:34 Intro
00:35 - 01:17 How You Get Syphilis
01:18 - 01:57 What is the First Sign of Syphilis?
01:58 - 03:17 When & Why Syphilis is So Contagious
03:18 - 04:22 The Rash & Next Stage of Syphilis
04:23 - 04:59 Syphilis Can Stay Dormant For Years!
05:00 - 06:25 The Damage Untreated Tertiary Syphilis Can Cause
06:26 - 07:36 Is There a Cure For Syphilis?
07:37 - 08:49 Is There Any Permanent Damage From Syphilis?
08:50 - 10:20 Who Should Get Tested For Syphilis?
10:21 - 12:02 Becoming More Brilliant!


Treatment Protocols:

Primary, Secondary, & Early Latent Syphilis
-Preferred: Penicillin G benzathine 2.4 million units IM once
-Alternatives (choose one):Doxycycline 100 mg orally twice daily for 14 days, or Ceftriaxone 1 g daily IM or IV for 10 to 14 days

Tertiary & Latent Latent Syphilis (no neurologic symptoms)
-Preferred: Penicillin G benzathine 2.4 million units IM once weekly for three weeks
-Alternatives (choose one): Doxycycline 100 mg orally twice daily for four weeks, or Ceftriaxone 2 g daily IM or IV for 10 to 14 days

Neurosyphilis (early or late, can occur at anytime during course of infection)
-Preferred: Aqueous penicillin G 3 to 4 million units IV every four hours (or 18 to 24 million units continuous IV infusion) for 10 to 14 days. If possible, patients allergic to penicillin should be desensitized and treated with IV penicillin
Alternatives (choose one): Penicillin G procaine 2.4 million units IM daily plus probenecid 500 mg orally four times daily, both for 10 to 14 days, or Ceftriaxone 2 g IV daily for 10 to 14 days


Syphilis: Treating & Monitoring

Syphilis: Epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical manifestations in patients without HIV

Syphilis – CDC Basic Fact Sheet

Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2021


Picture Attributions:
CDC/M. Rein, VD, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The original uploader was Pygmalion at German Wikipedia., CC BY-SA 3.0
The original uploader was Pygmalion at German Wikipedia., CC BY-SA 3.0 creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/, via Wikimedia Commons

CDC/ J. Pledger, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Royalty Free Music: Bensound.com


#anatomy #syphilis #std

All Comments (21)
  • @Beatit444
    This STD was going around my community last year. A woman KNEW she had it and was still selling herself for money... They should put out a public warning for things like this. I had a break up that year. Had particularly bad acne and my eyes have been so sensitive to sunlight. I convinced myself that I must have this. I was SO RELIEVED when I came back std free 😂 My doctor also wasnt happy about testing me. When my results came back negative he acted as if I was wasting his time. How terrifying.
  • @MeHere650
    As a nurse back in the late 1980’s, I took care of a lady who was so sick with this. She was bed ridden with it and it impacted her spine. She was not able to straighten out her back and just existed in a fetal position. It was awful for her.
  • @soraninja
    This was the first sti i ever had and it went undiagnosed for about 8 months of secondary synptoms. I was so ill and my immunity so low that i caught Glandular Fever ontop of it. A viral and bacterial infection ruined my body for 8 months. My rash did not go onto my palms and i also had Bells Pausey as a result. I couldnt eat; i lost allot of weight and at the end i had telogen Aphluevium (sp) and all my hair fell out. I cannot believe after all the tests i did for hiv and everything else that not one doctor tested me for this! It was the worst illnes ive ever had. So please be aware of these additional symptoms you may get and if you ever go undiagnosed for more then a month of illness get a full sti screen and save yourself the pain!
  • @elsanaiacob48
    When I was 18 years old , for a living I used to go to blood banks to donate blood for food vouchers as I was very poor back in those days. Interesting enough, on one occasion, they called me back in after donating blood and they told me that after they've tested my blood, it came positive for syphilis?! My face dropped but at the same time I knew they must be wrong as I didn't start being sexually active until a year later. Like I told they, surely they're mistaken unless I'm stupid and maybe I contracted it by thin air otherwise it's impossible. Upon hearing what I said, they re-done the test and they've apologised and said that the original antigens they saw in my blood were the same that would come up if you had the flu or a cold and it mimics the same antibodies that would appear in a syphilis infection. I was shocked that wow I didn't know that antibodies aren't always spot on. But hey, in the end, I knew I was right and they was wrong. Forgot to mention, I did have a nasty flu a week before donating
  • @kotobush
    I live in Kazakhstan and funny fact about our health care system is that we get checked for syphilis multiple times in a lifetime. I'm 25 and have been checked like 5-6 times already. My gynecologist was running this tests every time I came for a regular yearly visit, even though risk is extremely low for me 😂
  • I had studied every aspect and history of Syphilis for a novel I was writing and someone described to me over the phone his sores all over his body which no doctor could treat and immediately I knew it was rare form of syphilis called Lues Maligna that occurs together with HIV.
  • @giwilreker
    I was chatting to my gynecologist and she said that since 2015 she seen increased cases of STDs, coinciding with the rise of apps like Tinder. Coincidence? I think not.
  • @NtrtAst
    One important, sometimes overlooked aspect of syphilis testing is that if you have some sort of autoimmune (Lupus, Hashimotos, etc.) with Anti-phospholipid antibodies, ANA, etc. you can receive false positive test results. So, it's important that your doctor knows all of your diagnoses so that they can order the more extensive/correct tests.
  • As a nurse, patients presenting with Syphilis are given one injection deep within each buttock. These shots are very painful, so the specific antibiotic also has a pain reliever mixed in the syringe. The needles are long and heavy duty. So protect yourselves, wear protection and don’t engage in risky behavior - STDs are spreading in the older population who think because they are too old to get pregnant, they don’t need condoms. If you say no to protection, you maybe saying hello to Herpes, Chlamydia, Genital Warts, ( a precursor to cancer ) Syphilis or Gonorrhea.
  • @Eva-bb5ef
    Please also educate us more on other STDs like gonorrhoea, chlamydia, awareness is key !
  • @audrey4150
    I worked with men in social work and a man had neurological symptoms of the sti. His personality totally changed, he could barely stand or walk and he kept laughing . He had to go for multiple treatment sessions at the hospital.
  • Syphilis is a dangerous disease. Thanks for giving us information on this topic. We look forward to see more.
  • There are Super STDs going around for several years now. I work with a state health dept here in the states and its close to an 800% increase in super syphilis. These "Super" stds are stds that have started becoming immune to some antibiotics. Syphilis has a blood draw test, and is treated with a shot in the butt. Gonorrhea is also becoming "super". It and chlamydia have a swab test or urine test. Pills for the chlamydia, shot for Gonorrhea. Hope this helps people who are confused or are unsure of the testing process
  • @michaelanthonysr.
    This type of video is very important since "today's society" has deemed sex education in the schools is too extreme for students, young adults to be exposed to this type of subject matter! I'm from an era where not only sex education but the consequences of drug abuse were taught in schools Thank you for creating and presenting this clip for "public consumption"!
  • @reyg.5305
    I'm 35 years old, I've never engaged in any sort of sex with another person, I'm STD free. I count my blessings everyday.
  • @atomicxsarah
    I work for a retina specialist and we see patients with Syphilis and it affects the eyes badly.
  • @JP-wx6uh
    It's the gift that just keeps on giving.
  • this video uncovered memories from a situation that happened to me a few years back i donated blood for a (relatively) distant family menber,some time after we went there to get the blood test results due to the fact the blood i had donated was tested for stuff that can affect the recipient of the transfusion of blood, i opened it up and read it trougtly all were well until i passed my eyes over the syphilis category the type A was marked negative(as one would expect usually if you are familiar with the proper precautions) but when i looked at the second type b what i saw made me stop talking to my mother, on the paper marked as follows: syphilis type b/2d(po) my mother looked at me and asked me what was wrong and i stared at her for a bit and she followed my eyes to the paper and she saw it and went silent too i looked her in the eyes and told her that i needed another blood test sinse i had never had intercourse at that time so that positive appearing out of the blue in a blood test for a blood donation really disturbed me i did not understand how&why exactly it appeared on that blood test but we did a second test and we were relived that it was a false positive on the first test the second test showed that my blood was 100%clean from stds(syphilis) and some reagent for the tests may had some anomaly in its composition and that may have caused a false positive on my first blood test results stay vigilant and safe out there everyone