WHAT is this Setup from Flash?!?

Published 2024-07-17

All Comments (21)
  • @beatlesguyEM
    That cold you got is probably from all the chills you get watching Flash
  • @kingjonc
    This is my engagement comment to keep the flash games coming
  • @mushrambo5
    The day we stop watching Flash is the day I start drinking again
  • @WisecrackJax
    I haven’t watched the video yet, but I assume Artosis gets chills at some point
  • @ocircles738
    Feels like Flash is trying a bunch of stuff he knows is sub-optimal in the current meta just to see how it plays out in practice, gauging how easily the opponent is able to react given variations on off-meta builds and janky unexpected responses. Testing the waters
  • @Crazy0101
    This was a sick game, didn't know who would win until the very end!
  • @Medinaxz
    Artosis must be in heaven right now, casting Flash games and learning something each time he does.
  • @riuoku
    Flash intentionally keeping the SCV count low for some handicap obviously
  • @chongli297
    Really enjoyed that game! Re: Flash's all-in when he was 2-base vs 3-base. I think you're SOOOOO right about the floating buildings helping. They completely shut down Best's ability to a-move his Goons from his rally point into the fight. I think you were also right about Flash pushing too hard with that. Seems like he was just in full-out macro autopilot and just constantly trying to shove forward so he could siege up at the natural which he never reached. If he had instead pulled back a little bit and just sieged up along that lake SE of Best's natural, using the floating buildings as cover, he could've taken the game right there. He had SCVs with the army and a floating ebay so he could even have thrown a couple of missile turrets near his minefields to get rid of Observers. Perhaps he felt like he really just needed to win with that push which we, with the benefit of hindsight and full map vision, could see was an incorrect judgement. All he needed with that all-in was to setup a contain while having his vultures target-fire the 3rd nexus, then he could've taken his own 3rd as his supply built up in the contain (rather than trading cost-inefficiently the whole time)
  • @victors.
    Flash games r like an episode of a sitcom drama series. No joke.
  • This game and most games from last few weeks looks like Flash is intentionally training his micro/macro instead of going for win. He has simply different objectives.
  • @DodgySmalls
    When Artosis accidentally hit classic graphics for a moment in this game I realized I'd love a whole cast of a match in classic graphics 4:3 beauty. Hard on the eyes but soft on the heart.
  • @GraafBaki
    RT had so many chills that he caught a cold
  • Thank you for covering this up and coming Terran pro named FlaSh and showing his improvement.
  • @ManCubuSSC
    FlaSh is going freeze Artosis to death with those chills! He's already sick in this July's hellish summer. Coincidence? I think not!
  • @luluonly486
    Artosis: he can’t have known 😮 Flash: 🤣😎
  • @jrodtopo
    I think every time I see the center on retro I’m going to think of Motive’s 100 kill hero reaver from CNSL.
  • yeah, this is the weirdest flash ladder game yet. the man might actually be cooking up some crazy shit.