[Full Movie] 刺客荣耀 Assassin Glory 荆轲 | Martial Arts Action film 武侠动作电影 HD

Published 2023-03-11
Synopsis: The martial arts action movie "刺客榮耀 Assassin Glory 荊軻" tells a story at the end of the Warring States period, seven states fought for dominance. The nobles from each state sent brave warriors to duel in the Tiger Arena to resolve various disputes. The warrior from Wei was the minister of war and gained his reputation for defending his country against invaders. However, after he is framed and the country falls in ruin, he picks up with weapons and armor to fight again.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《刺客荣耀:荆轲 Assassin Glory》以战国末期为背景,讲述了在七雄鼎立时期,各国贵族以派出虎士在“虎圈”之中决斗为媒介,解决各种争端。而卫国虎士庆卿,官任司马,万人之上,在卫国危难之际,亦挺身而出,横扫各方,从而名扬天下。但惨遭奸人陷害,国破家亡,落魄流浪,从人生巅峰跌落至人生谷底。最终,他毅然奋起反抗,重披战甲,决战天下的故事。

出品 Studio: 淘梦影业 Tmeng Pictures
制片人 Produced by: 吕维 Lv Wei, 李艳平 Li Yanping, 马烨 Ma Ye.
导演 Directed by: 张哲 Zhang Zhe.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张哲 Zhang Zhe.
主演 Starring: 谢苗 Mo Tse, 付小仙儿 Fu Xiaoxian, 廖威廉 Liao Weilian, 刘添月 Liu Tianyue, 张春仲 Zhang Chunzhong.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #武侠 #martialarts #wuxia

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All Comments (21)
  • @user-gn8sq6gf6z
    Am watching it from Nigeria, and it was wonderful.............
  • A very good movie one of the best. I was glued on my seat so I won't missed any scene. I like the leading actor Mo Tse he's a good action martial arts actor along the famous Jackie Chan Jet Li and Donnie Yen.
  • @alexzhu4710
    it is the most heroical story in China history. A man stand up alone to the most formidable and powerful tyrant for his country and people. he lost but from that time ,Jingke became an immortal icon in chinese cultural.
  • @user-gn2pd6cv1i
    Beast Movie Thank you so much . Kindness and Mercy are Better than being Called a Hero . 👍👍💜💜💜💜💜
  • He is the son of Jet Li in his old movies, I like that boy so serious 🤭👌💪🏼
  • @noninoni1674
    18 Arhats of Shaolin temple is also recommended, Xie Miao is so good in his movies 👍
  • Sungguh saya merasa puas, film yg sangat bagus... terus menampilkan film film ber mutu..👍👍👍💪
  • Many thanks for sharing this entertaining video! Mo Tse is one of my favorite actors! Great action and costume production!
  • @ellenariban7061
    This lead actor, he’s excellent, amazing, I watched a lot of his movies,♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
  • @kisi-dp3dz