The Man Who Solved League of Legends

Published 2023-12-07
Meet the best solo queue player and jungler, the master of jungle fundamentals, and conqueror of servers. There's a lot you can learn from Agurin, and this jungle guide aims to help you do that.

Credit to Agurin on YT and Twitch for almost all of the gameplay clips from this video.
YT: AgurinENGLISH and Bgurin

Business inquiries: [email protected]

0:00 - The King
1:30 - The Strategy
5:48 - The Mindset
11:40 - The Truth
15:40 - The Climb
18:30 - The Legacy

All Comments (21)
  • @DalmarLesage
    I did the same thing as Agurin. I noticed that on average, I was not having fun playing league and that it took away a lot of time from me. So I took the play that on average would be better and quit playing. Fully agree with his mindset.
  • @ethancruz8296
    I kept getting distracted by how clean his farming is. Always down to the last frame of patience on the camps. So nuts
  • @richardisasimp
    I've been such a massive fan of Agurin's playstyle. Glad to see a guide going in-depth to his strategy.
  • @georgep.4786
    That jungle Brand full clear was a thing of beauty! (Yes I know Brand's dmg to monsters is currently OP but still, it was super clean).
  • @thekilla1234
    Funnily enough pretty much everything said in this video can be said about Dopa, who was also a solo queue king. Dopa played very conservative, highly efficient and risk averse. I remember seeing a video by him where he explained split pushing, and he showed an example where he was split pushing and his team got wiped. He said something like "split pushing was not a mistake here. My team is able to defend and they will most of the time. Just because they failed to defend this time does not mean I should not split push in these situations". Everything he did was calculated and based on respect for the other players in the game. He would not make inefficient plays based on whether his team was capable or not, he would assume they are capable and always make the plays with the highest average upside.
  • @Cyd99
    This dude is a beast. Rank 1 kr in 2 weeks? No map cover or delay wtf. Why have I never heard of this guy
  • @calvinasu
    My favorite quote from Aguran is "there's no such thing as a playstyle". It's completely correct. No matter how fun it feels, the meta doesn't care that you play one way or another, you will get punished.
  • @NotSpaceCadet
    Love to see the channel growing. This video will blow up. Thanks Myth!
  • @HolyKnights1
    Agurin is the most consistent Jungler in my opinion and he always know what his gameplay is which allows him to play his game in very very efficient way. Also, he comes up with pretty crazy tactics around his clearing timings and timed backs. I love how he found the first back after full clear into invade in the enemy chickens which was kinda crazy because he was the only Jungler who was doing that after the jungle changes. I love his play style and to watch him in order to learn a bit more how to play this way. Love the analysis's thanks for the great content man! ☺
  • @Gutovisky_A
    Hey, I really enjoy your calm style of speaking and explaining. Keep up the good work.
  • @jamesbandz1
    This is why I enjoy watching Agurin play. He doesn't tilt and he focuses on fundamentals. Whether you like him or not there's something we can learn from him. I see alot of comments that says, "Well in low elo my laners die too fast so I can't replicate this playstyle." This is when you have to make the decision between ganking your laners, farming your camps, and taking objectives. Also remember, the faster you clear the more opportunities you can make on the map. Denying resources from the enemy jungler if your gank fails is a good strat in my opinion.
  • @Sirbartholomew
    My main takeaway is that I need to have more faith in my playstyle. This video shows me that I was on the right track it’s just when I hit a losing streak I take it too personal and think that I must be playing incorrectly so I start changing my playstyle which just leads to more losses.
  • @SinKGG
    I wonder how many of these concepts are applied across all mediums, not just League. His strategies and attitudes remind me a lot of how big businesses run.
  • @Fr33mx
    I've been playing jungle for the past two years after being a solely top player, and found myself having more succes on farming champs more than scrimisher type jg champs, it's possible to carry a game by yourself if you don't fall behind too far, prioritizing your farm is more important than helping your laners, if they suck you giving them 1 or 2 kills won't win you the game, but betting on yourself, the only player you have agency over, is always worth. It is is SoloQ for a reason. It's always a 1v9.
  • I feel like even if you're not playing jungle, his VODs are a good place to look as you can help identify if a play is good or not from another roles perspective. As you said earlier in the video, we are the common denominator in our games so we want to be played for. But seeing other perspectives, as you do with jungle, is a great way to improve your play consistency and help avoid ganks and set up better ganks for a jungler.
  • @timtran2676
    Calling the champ 'KaZeex' is a wild gamble my man
  • @mgsBicycleO9
    Another thing to mention is the role he plays in NNO (Regional German Pro Team). He singlehandedly wins games through his shotcalling and micromanaging some of his other teammates. Voicecomms are always fun to watch. For sure Agurin is to NNO what Faker is to T1.
  • @LordSplynter
    Awesome channel design, great thumbnail to attract curiosity as well as an impactful title, nice, just subscribed
  • @BagOtriX1
    Saw two of your videos... aaaand Subscribed... Good stuff! Thanks for all of the effort