Jonathan Pie: Having a pop at Brexit and Tory voters is 'gross' | ITV News

Published 2024-04-22
Mocking Brexit and Tory voters is "gross", says Jonathan Pie actor Tom Walker - and a whole generation of comedians might soon have to find other things to joke about.

The comedian, whose career has grown with 14 years of Tory governments, admits much of his success has been down to Conservative chaos but accepts it's likely he'll soon have to turn on Keir Starmer.

Jonathan Pie is a satirical news correspondent who found success for his "off-air" moments in which the reporter rants about politics apparently without realising the camera is still rolling.

Pie's creator Walker, who is currently giving the Tories what could be his final kicking in a stage tour, spoke to ITV News about the future of UK politics, comedy and satire.

Jonathan Pie: Heroes & Villains is at The Duke of York's Theatre until Saturday, April 27.

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All Comments (21)
  • @rrbh
    I don't watch Pie for fun or light-hearted giggle sessions - his rants are generally how I am feeling , so I rage along with every word.
  • @miketgl4543
    This man has become the voice of a frustrated, unheard, and tired generation.
  • @tasty_fish
    Walker's skill is that he's able to identify failings and hypocrisy on all political colours. It's just the Tories have given him bucketloads of material to work with. I'm sure whoever gets into power will not be treated any differently.
  • @breakfreak3181
    He may see his character as satire, but in truth, it is spot on political observation. He may be playing for laughs, but all too often, Jonathan Pie sums up what is really going on and exactly how I feel.
  • @Lumibear.
    Well that was one of the best interviews of Tom on Pie that I’ve seen in a long time. Normally the ‘interviewer’ takes a snobby stance that makes the whole thing just a defence of existence, but this guy actually allowed Tom to talk. Nice.
  • @skasteve6528
    Sadly, I think that if Labour win the next election, Tom will not suffer from a lack of material.
  • @lookoutleo
    Johnathan pie is brilliant . In the 80s their were a few programs that were close to the edge but in last 20 years their was nobody taking the folk in power to task , hes a breath of fresh air :)
  • @karlfran0404
    I remember when Rik Mayall’s character Alan B’Stard switched to New Labour. Genius.
  • @markrhoden68
    In my teen years we had Spitting Image to mock the Politicians, Pie is a more intelligent grown up idea of humour. I'd like to see him on say Question Time put some heat under professional politicians
  • As a man who voted for both labour and tories in the past, I can honestly say that I never considered Johnathan Pie's character as one way or the other - just a regular Brit who's genuinely pissed off at how badly our country is being run right now and voicing his anger, saying the very things that so many of us are thinking, perhaps leaning a little bit to the left, but very much aware of where the left are getting it wrong as well. Truly an ingenious satirist
  • @rogueceska
    This type of political satire was rife in the thatcher era and probably played a small part in their downfall in the end, as well as being a balm, it was also on mainstream tv all the time, Pie is exactly what we need unfortunately he is 1 man and we need an army of him.
  • @Pablo668
    I think the first clip I saw of Jonathan Pie was indeed him saying stop calling voters from the other side stupid. It doesn't help at all, and certainly doesn't win them over. Wise words I thought.
  • @ES-qm5hr
    All my brain is doing is going, "Blah, blah, blah, MULLET!"
  • He is the closest we've got to an opposition in this country. Seen this tour twice, in the diehard lefty redoubts of Oxford and Bath. The cheering to his rants (especially Coffey on the pier) was visceral. There's so much anger out there. Also, nice to see the mullet making a comeback.
  • As an old left-winger I despair at both major parties. Starmers’ Labour Party is walking the same path as the Tories, just less extreme. No more heroes anymore.