Compassion doesn't work! In recovery compression forces change. Mindset w/ David James

Published 2023-03-15
Compassion doesn't work! I empathize with you. I do. I've had your problems. I've been where you're at. I've spent hundreds of thousands of hours doing "research", education, therapy, counseling, and of course jail..

Until I was ready to truly get rid of the old me there is no amount of compassion that could have gotten me to drop my ego and get sober .

It was through compression and compulsory methods to stay out of jail or keep my job that is always the first motivator. Painful consequences are an extremely effective change motivation tool.

But I'm here to show you a way to instill this without the fear and regret of bad choices. Choosing to make positive choices, hard choices, and do the real deep work...

Time is my compassion. Not your feelings. Let's get to work so you don't suffer the ultimate consequence...

#whateverittakes #mindset #discipline #accountability #purpose #fitness #vision #recovery #compreasion #compassion #redemption #positivity #action #Coach #mentor #Motivation #training

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