health scares & why i got surgery

Published 2023-05-05

All Comments (21)
  • @amandarachlee
    please keep this comment section positive ❤ love u guys so much
  • @jlrosie95
    Admitting that you are struggling with depression does not, in any way, make your channel any less the positive place that it’s always been, Amanda!!!!!! As someone with a platform, it’s so helpful for you to talk about your experience because it reminds your viewers that they are not alone in their struggles either. Hang in there, we love you and we want you to be happy, healthy, and safe!
  • @Pypahsart
    as someone who's struggled with chronic depression and female reproductive issues for over a decade i really resonated with you telling your story and struggles. it's such a scary thing to do especially when our jobs are centred around creating a safe happy space for others online. Just wanted to say that you're a badass and such a strong person for not only going through this with your head held high but for also sharing this with everyone. everything will be okay, just keep reminding yourself of that fact. i can tell you from experience that there is no feeling better than when you get to the other side of that tunnel. stay strong Amanda, always here if you need a chat 💕
  • As a Doctor working in OBGYN, I commend you on how maturely and concisely you spoke about such a difficult period for you. You definitely will bring greater awareness to this, just by sharing your experience and hopefully enlighten healthcare professionals who fail to advocate for both Women’s health and Mental health, especially amongst the youth. Thank you for this, and always remember to listen to your body - you have been with it longer than any healthcare professional has.
  • It's amazing to see the majority of the comments being positive as I scroll down, this feels so nice knowing that this community definitely gives space to nurture
  • @Mandozen
    Depression creeps up on people. It’s silent but deadly. Never ignore the signs and don’t be afraid to ask help. You’re not alone. And you got this, Amanda! 💪🏽
  • @emilymann8443
    I’ve been a silent supporter/viewer for yearsssss now but I wanted to comment today to let you know you are so loved and so supported. It takes a lot of bravery to be open and vulnerable like this and although it is hard, I appreciate you so much for being honest about things like this. I think it can be so easy for people to get caught up in comparisons or even just the illusion of picture perfect lives on social media, from influencers and non influencers alike. So thank you for normalizing this topic and bringing awareness to it and letting your viewers know NO ONE has a “picture perfect” life. I am wishing you nothing but the best during this time. Be gracious with yourself, show yourself love and patience. We are ALL rooting for you. Sending you so much love<3
  • Oh, Amanda 😔 I’m so sorry you’ve been facing these health issues, both physical and mental, for so long. I’m so glad you’re finally in a place of treatment and have hope on the horizon that things will get better. Depression is so hard to live with and seeing all you continue to accomplish despite your brain working against you is something to be so so proud of ❤ please be kind to yourself, because you really do deserve that self compassion. I’m always a text message away if you want to talk through some of that messy hard sad stuff. Sending you the biggest hug 🫂
  • Hi Amanda. FWIW from my fifty-year-old perspective and as a fan, I think you are handling all of this with grace and strength. And generosity because so many of us can relate to what you're talking about and hearing someone with your platform share your own experiences helps us all to feel less alone. So thank you and bless you! You got this!
  • @yejisana
    i had my period for 6 months in 2020, went to the hospital twice and had 2 surgeries for the same reason!! i also had a way thicker lining than normal in addition to the polyps. i dealt with this for a year before it was resolved fully. if these things grow outside of your uterus it is considered cancerous and they will have to remove ur uterus completely, so if you experience any symptoms that amanda mentioned PLS get checked out asap!!
  • @spwaff.
    8:56 omg! in the end of 2019, because my iron was so low, i had to get 5 weeks of iron injections. like 1 per week. i’ve never heard of anyone getting this before. thanks so much for talking about it..🥺 edit 14:47 amanda. this video was definitely meant for me.. i’ve been back and forth with the hospital trying to get an ultrasound for my ridiculously heavy periods. i thought i was the only one on the earth who bl*eds an insane amount. i actually have to wear adult diapers and i get my periods every 2 and a half to 3 weeks. i could go on and on about the weird symptoms that i get such as shortness of breath and like chest pains but i’ll spare you. amanda you have no idea how much this video means to me. i’m gonna show part of this to my mom because she’s been trying to figure what’s wrong with me too and doing whatever she can to take care of me.. thanks soooo much… i wish i could come to canada just to hug you.😢😢 -ja
  • @LifeofMori
    Amanda, you don't know how much this video speaks so much to me. I've also experienced the same thing last year with all the heavy bleeding, being low in iron, feeling so down and all that. I was really scared with the results as well and what will happen with the future. Thankfully, my doctor said it was nothing serious. But still, I know how hard it is to go through all of these things happening in our physical and mental health. I hope you know that you are not alone and that just by existing in this platform, you're already helping a lot of us out here to keep pushing and fighting. You are amazing and you are needed in this world. Sending you lots of love from Japan! ❤
  • @LaCheity
    Hemoglobin is the molecule inside the red blood cells that carries oxygen to the cells of your body, a vital step for most metabolism pathways. It's a very important little buddy! I'm so sorry you had to go through all that experience, Amanda. I can't imagine how hard it must have been. You've got our support and love <3
  • I get the fleeting thoughts of death. I don’t want to die and I don’t want to harm myself but it’s exactly what you said - “it would be easier if I was dead.” There’s moments of highs and lows. Be gentle with yourself. Take care and lean on those you can count on. You’re so loved.
  • @hellokaity
    i've also mostly been a silent supporter but the last half of this video really resonated with me. i've been seeing a therapist for anxiety and have only recently discovered i may have major depressive disorder. the scariest thing was the day i went to bed and thought hey, if i didn't wake up that might not be the worst thing. it's an absolutely terrifying mindset to be stuck in and i'm so glad you've found a supportive doctor to help you through this. sending you so much love.
  • @PokhrajRoy.
    It takes a lot from someone to be so vulnerable on camera. I just hope you’re feeling better and continue to do so. We’re rooting for you as Lil Doodles.
  • @AnjaLSL
    So many women's issues are overlooked. Lots of women have fx endometriosis but doctors never check them out properly and just accept the pain / problems. I hope you find the cause and preventive solutions like maybe microbiom or other. God bless ❤️
  • I can relate so much to your situation. I had 3-5yrs where I felt like "my uterus was attacking me". Women's health issues really are not talked about enough. How our hormones maintain the delicate balance in our bodies, how that is tied to our mental health, these things should not be mysterious to us. Please take the time to focus on getting better, lean on your family, therapist. Take every day as it comes. Be gentle with yourself. All us Lil Doodles are happy you exist and support you continuing to do that ❤❤❤ Thanks for sharing. You are not alone.
  • @zeldabarbie
    The ability for you to come out and speak about this – all of this – can, and most likely will save and help other people. It’s refreshing to know that we are all human, and we all have issues, as different and diverse as they are. I mean, I’m 40 years old, watching you do journaling. I am married, I have a daughter and 3 dogs. BUT…YOU helped me get back into my artistic talent, YOU are a breath of fresh air in my life of chaos. I know that many of us will support you, pray for you, and be patient with you on this journey. Thank you for this video, and I do hope this relieves your fears as much as our concerns. And Thank You for everything you do!!!! (oh, and you need a puppy!)