Tsunami : le moment où tout a basculé

Published 2023-11-22
It is one of the memories that some wish they had never experienced. It killed more than 230,000 people, including 95 French people, destroyed the coasts of 13 countries and left thousands destitute. Fifteen years have passed and yet no one has forgotten the 2004 tsunami on the coasts of the Indian Ocean. December 26, 2004, 9:30 a.m. Hundreds of tourists lounge by the swimming pools of luxury hotels in Thailand. Some are having breakfast, others are finishing getting ready before going on an excursion. They are far from imagining that in a few minutes, nothing will remain of these heavenly places. Deep in the ocean, a cataclysm is brewing.
1000 kilometers away, in Indonesia, an earthquake of unprecedented intensity has just triggered a devastating tsunami. The earthquake is so strong, 9.3 on the Richter scale, that the earth rises, releasing a wave of incredible violence, exceeding 30 meters in height in certain places. This is the start of 6 hours of chaos. Hour by hour, minute by minute, from Indonesia to Thailand, via Sri Lanka, we will retrace the path of this tsunami. To understand this extraordinary phenomenon, 3D images will decipher the progress of the monster. Those who experienced the wave up close will tell us their story. We will penetrate the intimacy of their vacation and dive back into this cataclysm with them thanks to amateur films filmed 15 years ago.
This grumbling in the abysses of the Indian Ocean has come to remind us of the force of nature. It changed the lives of hundreds of French people who came to share family vacations or enjoy their honeymoon. Fifteen years later, what has become of the tsunami survivors? Charlotte, Philippe, Jean-Louis, Robin, Anne, David, Fabien, Guillaume, Yannick and Géraldine will tell us about their fears, their suffering, but also the tremendous survival instinct that allowed them to come out alive. At the heart of the tsunami, a journey into the intimacy of the survivors.

All Comments (21)
  • @l_y_x_e_d.
    J'en ai vu des documentaires sur cette catastrophe mais celui-là m'a mis en larmes plus d'une fois j'ai dû mettre sur pose ! Les témoignages sont touchants bouleversants on est plonger dans cette tragédie mm si bien sur le raconter ou l'entendre n'est rien à côté de le vivre 😢 je comprends la culpabilité de cette jeune femme qui n'a pas choisie de tendre la main à ce petit garçon qui aurait pu être sauvé...mais qui peut-être lui aurait fait perdre la vie aussi à elle ! C'est affreux ils ont vécu l'horreur le néan au paradis ... Pensées aux familles des victimes et des survivants
  • @abbatrouble
    About 10-12 years ago I watched a video about a British girl who was on school break and spending it with her family on the beach. Suddenly she saw the ocean recede. She starting screaming to her family and everyone around them to get to higher ground, to run up into the mountains. She told her family that she had studied tsunamis in school just before the school break. She was just a little girl but she saved herself, her family and a lot of others, too!
  • I'm from South Africa. My husband and I were on our honeymoon on Koh PhiPhi, and left the island on December 24th to go to Koh Samui. Initially, we had booked to visit Koh Samui first and spend 4 days from Christmas Eve on Koh Phi Phi which would have meant we'd have been there when the tsunami hit. Changing our plans saved our lives.
  • Ce reportage est à couper le souffle (c'est presque le cas de le dire), écouter et voir tous ces gens revenir de si loin est bouleversant. C'est la deuxième fois que je le regarde entièrement, un magnifique reportage.
  • @darrenblack6240
    I arrived in Thailand 12 months after the tsunami, and wow the tops of palm trees where missing on kho phi phi, 3 months of looking around Thailand in disbelief at what happened? I was gobsmacked at the attitude of thai people, their resilience, their ingenuity, their beauty of soul is humbling to me, till this very day. God bless 🙏
  • @mjy8098
    Nous sommes tous des survivants. Chaque matin où l‘on se réveille c‘est le miracle de la vie. Merci de ce documentaire.
  • @NoCapChat
    The fact that the elephants could not see the ocean and freaked out to the point of tears and breaking chains out of sheer instinct of looming danger is proof we are all born from mother Earth and I strongly believe we should protect our planet. We will forever be at her mercy.
  • Watching this now in 2024, it brought back tears to me and the realization that the house we were trying to sell in the UK, having fallen through, potentially saved our lives! Had we sold by mid December, we were headed to Phuket for our holiday, then a new life in Thailand! There were 16 in the chain of house sales and since it broke, we could not go to Thailand, how fortunate for us! It was nearly a year later we finally sold and now live here in the North East of Thailand! Since this time, I have heard from many people and their experiences and how chance decisions have saved their lives too! I hope the pain for all survivors is now at a level where you can cope, it was a very sad experience for all who have been emotionally affected in this catastrophe of near 20 years ago! Wishing all who read this peace, love and rest!
  • This is indeed a fantastic documentary; very well narrated with sensitivity and respect but still gives you a very clear understanding of the magnitude of the disaster and it’s really touches the viewer very deeply! Found myself having to stop it a few times… I remember the news when this happened but watching this production made me grasp the devastation of the disaster 😢
  • @t.lightish8707
    Очень очень трогательно 😢Спасибо за фильм🙏 Соболезнования всем потерявшим близких 😢🙏🕯❤️ Люди берегите друг друга и нашу планету 🙏❤️💞 Всем желаю мира, любви, благосостояния и благоразумия 🙏❤️💞😇🥰
  • People truly are amazing. To go through this hell but then pulling up your bootstraps and helping complete strangers to survive. Heroes. This was a really well made doc.
  • @NursePamS
    Those elephants that were trumpeting and crying were so upset even though they didn't know what was happening is absolutely amazing!! Animals have amazing instincts! 👏 ❤
  • Lo veo en 2024, 20 años después y solo pienso en una oración por los que ya no están y en agradecimiento por los que pudieron ayudar
  • @LadybugRJ7
    I remember this tragic event that left the world stunned. Thank you for for producing this important documentary. Our world needs to slow and be grateful, kind and helpful to one another.
  • @srecko2673
    The part of the story about elephants breaking chains and running to the hills is so impressive. The guide said they saved his life. Yet, while he is talking about it, behind him, many of these animals still chained and slaved into tourists attractions. Soooo, sooo sad. Let innocent animals be!
  • @dondonas5863
    Neznam što bi mogao reći nakon ovog dobrog napravljenog dokumentarnog filma , osim što mi je jako žao svih koji su stradali od tsunamija . Neka počivaju u božijem miru i blagoslovu . Respekt !❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ .
  • @lindachika5624
    Wow, cuantos heroes sin capa! Mis respetos para Philippe,para el instructor y para todas las demas personas que ayudaron a los heridos y sobrevivientes,nunca habia visto este documental y la verdad que me hizo llorar,que todas esas almas descansen en Paz.
  • My niece had been visiting in Thailand. She gad just boarded a plane to come back to the US. The plane was in the air just minutes before the tsunami hit. We really gave thanks that Christmas
  • @weirdandwow
    Thank you for this documentary. At this time I lived in Bangkok, I went to Phuket and volunteered for a week after helping in hospitals in Bangkok for a few days. The Thai people were extraordinary helping foreigners while their own lives were in tatters🙏
  • @BiaMaria_777
    God showed me in a dream this catastrophic tragedy one and a half year before it happened. I remember I woke up weeping 😭, I told my mom and family members (nobody believed me, maybe only my mom). I said I was somewhere near Malaysia area (please don’t ask me how but somehow I knew I was around there). I saw myself walking in one of the affected countries. I saw a lot destruction with water. I saw soldiers helping people. I saw death and mourning. When it happened I immediately remembered my dream and I cried again. I will never ever forget that. 😭🙌🏻🙏🏻