Ilhan, genocide, protests

Published 2024-04-30

All Comments (12)
  • I always thought it was interesting how Hamas always seems to run out of food, water, and electricity for the Palestinians. But they never seem to run out of rockets to fire at Israel. Very interesting stuff to me
  • @JacobWade.
    cool looking hat kiz! hope to hear you on JCS again soon...
  • @Bingobango07
    Even though this is common sense, I'm always glad to see consistency in moral standards. So many individuals who I never expected to, suddenly switched to the side of the oppressor, which drove me insane. People/celebrities who preach about the rights of women, LGBTQ+, minorities etc, decided those same standards don't apply to this situation. It blows my mind.
  • i've had conversations with quite a few people about the current events in gaza, and a significant amount of people i've spoken to from america at least have told me stories of people in israel being mowed down by gunfire, and jewish children being slaughtered in the streets, but i've never actually been offered any statistics or even news articles supporting these claims, and upon doing my own research, which mind you, was literally just an overview of the statistics publically released and put on wikipedia, and i don't think i have ever seen such a blatant example of inequal force before in my entire life (which isn't THAT long but still has some level of weight to it). the amount of blatant ignorance and double standards i have seen with celebrities that claim to support equal rights and ethics, heck even lgbtq rights, completely slamming the possibility of any side other than israel being in the right position right now is harrowing. on the other hand though, me and pretty much all of my friends can see through a lot of the media bias and understand the true nature of the situation unfolding before us, so i suppose there's a decent amount of sense going around that things are being done terribly wrong
  • I grew up in NYC so I know a little bit about the Jewish mindset, and the irony here is that Jews tend to think of themselves as the standard bearers for civilization. They consider it their role as a people/religion to teach people to be civilized and not surrender to racism and ingroup preferences, but this war is the opposite of civilized. I don't understand how someone as Jewish as Netanyahu even justifies it. We're witnessing a war crime in real time, and people are justifiably angry about it.
  • @DeconvertedMan
    I'm for logic and reason. People have attacked. People have been killed. Its not up to me to declare what is or isn't genocide as that would have to be settled in a court of law by experts. I'll leave sorting out natural language to those people when and if that happens. I do not know what is or is not happening "over there" - only what we are told. Be skeptical. Hold in question everything. That's all we can do. We are not there. It is not our fight. We do not know what is going on. We are working with imperfect data, at best, and loaded data at worse. Either side or anyone for any reason could load that data to fit whatever side they want. So, be skeptical of all the things. Its the same old same old - those people have been killing each other for years over `holy land' and other nonsense. Someone put there finger in the pie long ago and made everything worse for everyone involved. Its not my fight. Its not my battle. I can only say that, whatever is happening, its a sad thing, people are dead, more people will die. Humans will be the cause of those deaths. Because of land. Because of religion. Because of politics. Because of anything and everything and nothing at all. Peace works, if only we would use it. Some, however, do not want peace. They want the war to go on and on and on, they want to fight until the last standing. Somehow that must stop, someone must choose love over hate. Someone must choose reason over fear. Someone who isn't me as I have nothing to do with any of it. I'm way over here. My humble words will have zero impact upon what is going on over there. So... what can I do? Not a darn thing. Therefor, be skeptical.
  • @LucTaylor
    Her comment sounded just fine to me lol
  • I’m glad you’re on the sane side of this issue. I dont see whats wrong with anti-capitalist messaging in these protests, because frankly, they’re all these issues are connected
  • this is the world's only genocide where the victims bemoan their suffering as they're receiving billions in humanitarian aid, go out to the beach, film their own critiques for american aid kits, and go for shopping at street markets then had the audacity to cry genocide and vicimize themselves despite their continuted support of hamas