"Montezuma's Gold"

Published 2015-02-05
Aired: Feb 5 & Feb 6 on CW30 & ABC4Utah

All Comments (21)
  • @jahanacca1
    if there was any treasure..CIA would have long back given Montezuma Democracy :D
  • Maybe there will be a really dry summer, with high heat, and the water will be down enough to get in there. The sludge would be a problem, needs the pond treatment for algae, quite a few bottles.
  • This was really a great news profile on the subject and apparently a confirming statement that what's there is staying put. If asked, I would suggest the family hire a researcher and have them meet with descendants in Mexico for their recommendations of appropriate "calming of old energies" allowing them to go on to a Peaceful next level. There are experts in Earth Magnetic Energies and GeoPhysicists, Shaman, those whom understand energy Scientifically, Spiritually, and Intuitively. If nothing else, I would be interested in the Native American advise and asking for them to direct a method to calm the history energies and bring harmony to the site. The tragedies they suffered as a result of Cortez and Greed. It is one of the worse incidents in Euro - American History. The human "Ego Mind" is so obvious in its need for Mature Minded Management. Merely look at the MS News Media and the "potus" chronic drama to observe (Media profit greed) and (lack of self discipline in an adult male) (Imagine, If there are aliens and they observe us, we look like 4 year olds, I mean really.) Great share!
  • @keith kennedy, Snails are easily raised in greenhouses, such as the kind on landsnail that escargot is made of. If they began propagation of the snails by farming them, they would be off the endangered species list in 2 yrs maximum.
  • We have engineering methods that can extract crude oil from over a mile underneath the ocean. We have satellite technology that can read deep into the earths layers to find “global warming” causes and effects, this location has been visited and revisited over a hundred times, each time the “explorer” seeks to have new information, a hidden note, a map key, a death bed story which “changes the game” Montezuma was a hoarder, well known. Any treasure he did have was stolen long ago, smelted and divided. These stories bring me to tears laughing.
  • Yes it is in north America but it was spit up. I found the treasure that was left in central Arizona and over 250 people were killed for getting to close.
  • No your in a place where there was treasure but is gone now .they wer split up by the priests and sent to different locations,hard scrabble peak was one ,the other was in Yuma and collapsed when they attempted to recover it. 5 are left el gato hod the largest most richly blessed treasure.
  • Treasure present there or not , it belong to the Aztecs they believed and suffered so much for it nobody has got the right to take it away.
  • (The Indians must benefit or no one shall pass..Feel it in your heart that it will be shared and you won't be cured) You just need a bigger sand dredge is all to get in the cave entrance..but the real problem is the air in side because 2,000 warriors stayed inside the cave after it was sealed. (the bodies put off toxic gases so you can't breath the air..protecting the place)
  • @danjoy7385
    the story never changes, the greed of lepers
  • Part of antispanish black legend does not let many know that the aztecs only reigned in the central mexican Valley and that they where hated by all the tribes who where tired of being raped and eaten by them, so the possibility they took a treasure way up north without being murdered by all the native tribes is dull. Any gold hidden there would be of spaniards, New spaniards and mexicans; never from the aztecs