Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak - Abyssal Archdemon (First Encounter)

Published 2023-03-08
Gaismagorm is a massive Elder Dragon similar in size and structure to Gogmazios, though seemingly with a more pseudowyvern-like gait. Its back legs appear to be vestigial, as they drag along as it crawls along using its front legs and massive forearms, which appear to have been adapted from its wings like those of Gore Magala and Shagaru Magala. These forearms are incredibly dexterous, allowing it to easily climb vertical surfaces and even grip and toss objects at opponents.

Gaismagorm has a stout, angular head compared to its body with two horns and a mouth that functions as a unique sort of "split mouth" with four folding segments that come out from the jaw. The bottom two of which, possess two hooks that assist it when scooping up large amounts of matter that it either scoops out of the ground, or forces towards its mouth.

In addition, Gaismagorm has a barbed tongue, thick ridged plating covering its body with large central spikes around the shoulder region, and vents lining the surface of the body that it uses to expel energy absorbed from the Qurio, seen as "flames" which it uses to enhance its attacks and propel itself forwards. The Qurio themselves are violently protective of their host and swarm around it at all times.

Gaismagorm is the true host of the Qurio, and much like Malzeno, it shares a symbiotic relationship with them, and feeds on the life force they steal from their victims for energy. It can manipulate the energy produced by them to perform a variety of attacks, such as explosive fireball attacks from its mouth or any of the vents lining its arms, propelling its whole body forwards in a similar fashion to Magnamalo, firing beams that infuse into the ground to cause aftershocks, imbuing its physical attacks with explosive impacts, and shooting energy into the air to cause a field wide effect where chunks of explosive red crystal drop from the sky. It can also directly manipulate the Qurio to swarm targets or form explosive clusters.

Gaismagorm can also seemingly condense the Qurios' life energy around its vents to form a red crystalline armor to protect itself and act as an energy reserve. However, when Gaismagorm is sufficiently enraged, it will shed this armor and open all of the vents along its body to expel energy, causing feathery red protrusions to emerge from them; this is accompanied by a sudden increase in aggression and an increased output of explosive attacks. When nearing death, Gaismagorm's vents will start to expel so much energy that they appear to burst into flames, upon which Gaismagorm's ferocity reaches its peak and it will expend all of its remaining energy to destroy the target.

Outside of the Qurio, Gaismagorm boasts incredible strength and size, wielding its massive limbs with surprising dexterity to tunnel and climb, throw large boulders, defend itself, or simply crush enemies with powerful blows. It can also inhale with enough force to draw in foes or suck up more Qurio for energy, as well as roar so violently that hunters nearby can be physically injured and blown away. Gaismagorm is also durable enough that even when impaled by three Dragonators, which the last one being explosive, it can still fight the hunter(s) with no sign of injury at all, and can even take several more during said fight while only momentarily staggering from each one.

Gaismagorm is a subterranean Elder Dragon that is said to have existed since ancient times. It tunnels underground until it finds a suitable nesting spot, upon which it creates a giant hole to the surface for the Qurio to emerge from so they can feed on the local monster populations. Gaismagorm then waits underground in a dormant state as the Qurio return with life energy from the surface for it to absorb. Once it has enough energy, however, it will surface from its nest. It is known to be bitter rivals with Malzeno, the latter of which has kept it underground for decades, if not centuries by preventing it from obtaining enough energy to surface by hijacking the Qurio it uses to feed. Gaismagorm is an aggressive and gluttonous Elder Dragon that desires to consume all forms of life in order to become stronger. This demonic looking monster was responsible for the near destruction of the Kingdom in the past and was spoken of in myth as the Archdemon of the Abyss, and its emergence is fittingly considered a sign of calamity on a regional scale.

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