Florence Feels Underappreciated (ft. Marla Gibbs) | The Jeffersons

Publicado 2023-11-03
Florence (Marla Gibbs) feels like the Jeffersons and Willises don't appreciate her, so she shares her concerns with Ralph (Ned Wertimer) .

From Season 8 Episode 19, 'Guess Who's Not Coming to Dinner?' - The Jeffersons and Willises plan a surprise party for Florence, but their cover story hurts her feelings so badly that she skips the event and commiserates with Ralph over their mutual lowly-servant status.

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About The Jeffersons: His cleaning business booming, scrappy George Jefferson decides it's time to move on up to the deluxe apartments on New York's posh east side. Thinking that this is the beginning of the "easy life," George is ill-prepared for the unexpected pitfalls his new address will bring him.

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Florence Feels Underpreciated (ft. Marla Gibbs) | The Jeffersons

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