5 Ways I'm Losing Weight

Published 2017-01-26
Here's some tips on loosing weight!
Watch My Daily Vlogs : bit.ly/1Ku8Mkp

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MAKEUP LOOK:    • Easy Glitter Eyes  

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All Comments (21)
  • @indiecindie87
    I always say - Don't reward yourself with food, you aren't a dog!
  • @Ohnoitsruthio
    My reward for losing weight this year is to get a new piercing each time I lose 1 stone - there's 3 stone I need to drop & 3 ear piercings I want to get! Nearly at stone 1 now. Couple more weeks & it's piercing time!
  • @celluloidcowboy
    My world revolves around food too, it's an unhealthy obsession. People think it's easier when you're vegan but there's so much food you can eat, it's not all fruit and veg. I need to change my mindset too as it's driving me crazy, I'm slim but I punish myself for eating unhealthy foods or too much.
  • @someamorplease
    I love what you said about treating yourself with other things instead of food. Never thought of it like that before. I'm always thinking 'ughh what can I get away with eating today as a treat'. I lost 2 stone just over a year ago and put it all back on. So determined to lose it again and keep it off for good and you're right that it's about a change in your thinking.
  • @helenanderz
    Just letting you know that I've linked Kats website if you want to purchase her food and workout plan! It's really reasonable and great, it's what I'm using! X
    As a dude with around 7% body fat I know how to drop the weight faster.1. Implement supplements-green tea and coffee are fat burners, caffeine also boosts focus and alertness so great for taking to get you in the mood2. Do compound lifts. Don't just stick to machines and super lightweight stuff for shoulders, deadlifts squats and  bench presses require the most energy so the more energy used, the more fat metabolised3. Eating times-Don't just stick to 3 meals a  day, as your body will want to hold onto the calories for a sustained period of time until your next meal. Instead have high protein/fibre snacks to boost metabolism, and as your metabolism will be speeding up. On the weekend do something to keep your mind off food so you're metabolising food without the calorie influx (basically tricking your body) 4. Rest well-you're gonna hate it but buying muscle rollers and doing stretches is vital as I presume you're doing around 20+ mins of cardio so if you still have lactic acid in your legs the next day and you're aching you're gonna lose the rhythm and motivation5. GET DRUNK!-yeah I said it, well vodka is best as its the best diuretic and as you're 70% water diuretics will make you look loads leaner, show off muscle definition and therefore by looking better, will spur you on to train more consistently.
  • @RaeLikesFroot
    You remind me of a young Helena Bhonem Carter (if that's how you spell it) you look just like her! 😍
  • @marissa4603
    I like to only buy healthy food when I go grocery shopping, then if I want something unhealthy I can't make it lol
  • @donna3765
    I've started putting £1 in a jar every time I go to the gym and when it hits a certain amount I'm going to treat myself :) not decided what I'm saving up for yet though
  • @spoopy13
    fun fact: In relationships, you tend to put on weight because you accidentally start mirroring the guys portion which is bad because women have a lower calorie intake.
  • My husbands reward if he loses weight will be finishing/getting tattoos. It may become my reward too. We'll see! Keep up your good work of becoming healthy, and getting a little thinner. I'm trying to do that too, but got a little unmotivated because of life. I appreciate that you shared. I know things like this can be scary to share on the internet. But still thanks for being brave. :)
  • @MandaPops307
    absolutely love this! I have lost 3 stone on my weight loss journey and totally agree that cheat days sometimes is an easy way in to treats everyday! I rewarded my self by putting £2 away every time I lost a lbs and meant I could treat myself to new size down clothes when I needed them!
  • being picky my lovely but its losing* not loosing, proud of you!! Xx
  • @DonnaDyble
    So glad you covered this on your channel. I've been filming my weight loss struggles for 3 years now & right back where i started when i started filming in Jan 2013 :( My daughter(who introduced me to your channel) will love this video Helen so thank you xxx
  • @amyhasaface
    this is why you're my favourite youtuber. You're extraordinarily motivating, yet non-judgemental and genuine
  • @NkapianiNentien
    Helen, I have watched you every single day since the beginning. You really inspire me and I always look forward to seeing your next video. I love the content you create. Its really great that you do what you want to do, and I you should never feel like you have to justify tweaking your lifestyle in order to feel a bit better and healthier/stronger etc. People being horrible and leaving nasty rude comments are so wrong. Please don't let them effect you, everything you are doing is fab and you should not get knocked by such idiots. From the people that have followed your vlogs for a long time, we got you, and know that we support you every step of the way! You're an inspiration! Xx
  • @aprilloves1303
    I'm always so apprehensive about these videos because a lot of what I have seen really highlights the idea of being slim and fitting into a bracket. Sometimes that feels a little abrasive to me. This video actually really motivates me! I have lost a shit tonne of weight over the past few months but my lack of exercise and over-restriction of food intake has led to serious muscle deterioration and I have to admit it makes it difficult for me to find the confidence to start running around the streets of Brighton and I can't afford classes or the gym. There's plenty of reasons for my lack of confidence but you have given me a bit of a boost because I NEED to build strength in my body.
  • @juleseden7662
    I love this! I hate videos that are just teaching you how to lose weight fast because it's never healthy. It is nice to have some inspiration for a lifestyle change
  • @Es_Tay
    I don't know why people say burgers can't be healthy. I have a burger at least once or twice a week. Sometimes more. The key is, I find, to make it yourself. Use smaller wholegrain or multigrain buns. Use olive oil spread or avocardo instead of butter. Use heaps of salads: spinich, carrot, beetroot, bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, mushrooms, tomato, etc. Try not to have cheese, or use a low fat cheese. And use a veggie patty instead of meat, or make your own lean beef/pork patties, or have grilled chicken. Go easy on the sauces and dressings. Simple, and not bad for you. (=