European Starling whistles duet with Rescuer when reunited after being apart for 2 years!

Published 2019-12-29
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(Sparky came back home to us here in Arizona in the Spring of 2020) I rescued Sparky at 8 days old. I raised her for two years, then we needed to find her a home because we would be out of the USA for sometime. This was the hardest thing for me, she was truly the best pet I have ever had. I found her a very awesome home with a couple that lives in the Pacific NW. We moved her beautiful 8' x 6' aviary to her new home with her. Sparky loves her new home in the country and even goes outside without a cage with her new family, she is so smart, and stays close by.
I Wasn't sure if she would remember me since we had been gone 2 years. But once she heard my voice and the familiar whistles she wouldn't leave my shoulder. It was so touching to whistle duets with her. What a beautiful visit it was. We are working on our home in Arizona and she could always come back to us if the opportunity arises.
#youtube #rescue #beautiful #birds

All Comments (21)
  • My starling “Peeps” is now 14 years old and still going strong, with lots of singing, talking, and of course kisses. I’ve had peeps since before her eyes were open and before she had any feathers.
  • This was just beautiful. My Auntie just passed away yesterday and I’ve been feeling lost. I didn’t come upon this by accident, she was a birder and this filled me up with peace and love. Thank you so very much.
  • @PhilRounds
    I raised a starling too...male i believe. I named him "Horus". He stayed with me until he fledged and flew away with the local starling flock. After a couple of weeks he returned (on fathers day), landed on my shoulder, put his beak in my ear as he liked to do and finally flew away. I haven't seen him since. I assume he's found a mate and started his own family by now.
  • It's very touching when Sparky remembers her. I was impressed by how well Sparky can talk.
  • @LilybetMells
    I had no idea starlings could talk? Birds are so much smarter than we take them for xx
  • The fact that you're teaching her to sing "Amazing Grace" was not lost on me. We get lots of starlings here in Vegas during the winter months. They will play catch, just like the Grackles. So far, in the past 8 years, I've rescued 12 pigeons, 2 sparrows and 1 mockingbird 1 of the sparrows still lives in the palm tree in my yard and 1 of the pigeons lives on the roof of the building across the street. Both are daily visitors and still my buddies after 2 years. I'm all the way in. I'm a lifer at this point. The only way you could get me to stop is if you put me in a place where there are no birds.
  • @debrabolton9372
    I cried when I saw this. Animals never cease to amaze me. I especially love birds. They are such a joy. Such a nice video.
  • @claranimmer7349
    Its hard to whistle when you are crying. What a sweet bird.
  • @lajesq176
    I love how you taught her to sing positive things. You are a good bird mom.
  • @hootinouts
    This is so precious. I am glad you had the opportunity to reunite with her. Blessings to you both.
  • OMG!! I had no idea starlings could talk. This is amazing. And the clarity of her voice is incredible... listen when she says “Sparky’s a good girl” after she sings her duet. Sounds like REAL human.
  • @Emanonerewhon
    Birds have deep, mystical animal souls. It’s remarkable, if you’re tuned into them, how they can go from being hilarious little goofballs to suddenly and seamlessly becoming a still, hypnotic presence reflecting back to us the stirrings happening within our own human souls. Your bond with Sparky is special and beautiful to watch. For such a tiny little being to cast such a huge spell upon your heart was an amazing moment to capture.
  • I have two male starlings that I raised as babies. They are absolutely remarkable little birdies. They are spoiled rotten. I almost cried when she teared up because I can understand that love ❀ 😍
  • @fuhai4413
    That moment of recognition through shared song was touching.
  • @easystreet303
    Starlings are very special birds. Their murmuration is one of the most astounding things in nature. This little girl is something else 🐩
  • @illuminem
    I would never look at a "wild" bird in the same way again. How amazing to be sharing our planet with these wonderful little beings. And after a full day of anything but, the calmness and serenity of this video brings me back down to ground. Thanks!
  • @cynthusinfinite
    The sweetest love flows when one opens their heart to a birdie. "Was blind but now I see..." Tiny sentient beings.
  • i like how she's so much quieter when she's on your shoulder, she knows she doesnt have to shout.
  • @reeree6682
    OMG...absolutely doesn't get much better than this...your heart...makes me cry with you. She still knows you, remembers you...loves you...