Insight Into Life On The Falklands | Forces TV

Published 2012-02-07
Tension over the Falkland Islands has escalated over the past few weeks, with both Argentina and the UK government ramping up the rhetoric over the South Atlantic Islands. But how do locals view the international storm of words buzzing over their heads?

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All Comments (21)
  • @Eric-ye5yz
    Remember an Argentine Dictator, known for killing his own people, sent a force to peaceful islands, locked the inhabitants up and laid 85000 mines. Now there are places the islanders cannot go. The reason he did this goes back 200 years. They say Spain gave it to them, how did Spain get the right to give away land that did not belong to them. That is the act of a bully and bullies should resisted. If Argentina wants the islands they should win the islanders over, not force them into a hopeless position.
  • @tosagua
    I still can't understand the argentinians' obsessive and silly claim on the Falkland Islands. I have been following this senseless dispute for many years, in fact since the war in 1982. Though I am an ecuadorian born citizen, living in Guayaquil, I have always supported the Falklanders' right to self determination. They are british, their culture is british, and they want to remain british. I will always endorse what I feel is right and fair. And this is exactly what this issue is.
  • @deplorabled1695
    Please for the love of God...... do not stop the Forces TV channel from existing. A wonderful media outlet.
  • @ToonandBBfan
    @florhh14 There was never an Argentine "population" on the islands
  • @anicetune
    Argentina has the same mindset as European settlers from 300 years ago, viewing the islands as property and ignoring the wishes of the inhabitants. What I find odd are people claiming to be left wing, who believe that the islands should be handed over to Argentina while innocent inhabitants are expelled.
  • @ggoldie604
    It is great seeing the Falkland Islanders confident and proud to be British. Falkland Islanders have the right to self determination and it is good to see that the UK is standing behind the people of the Falklands. You have our support from here in Canada as well.
  • @davee91889
    I'm an Argentine and I love these people! I also admire Thatcher!
  • @gastonracing17
    I'm from Argentina, and I think Malvinas/Falklands belong to UK. Don't hate the argentinian people just because there is a woman saying stupid things to entertain the ones who voted her.
  • @SeaToby11
    The Falkland Islands are no more Argentine than the islands of Saint Pierre and Michelon are Canadian. People have the right to self determination underscored by the United Nations.
  • @bbtfan4617
    Of the archipelago belongs to anyone it belongs to the people in this video.
  • @timevampire83
    Falklands should stay in British hands. You have support here! Greetings from America!
  • MOD should send HMS Queen Elizabeth to the Falklands once in a while in a show of force to the Argies to remind them who’s daddy here.
  • I have a good friend in England and he says that he's tired of the Argentine government always bringing up a Spanish claim to the islands. I told him in that the British government might actually have to incorperate the Falklands into the Union itself. He told me that I may be right....
  • @trifulquita15
    Im from South America but i support UK Maybe the south american goverments supports argentina But many people hates the cumbia villeros
  • I'm Irish, so not exactly supportive of British foreign policy, and I'm anti-imperialist. Nevertheless, I believe in self determination and 99% voted 🗳 to remain British. Additionally, it fell into British ownership legally centuries back. Argentina 🇦🇷, really need to get over this.
  • Britian isn't forcing anyone to admit the Falklands are ours. The Falkland Islands belong to the Falklanders - and it is their choice to be a British overseas territory.
  • @tosagua
    The issue here is whether or not the Falklanders have the right to determine their own future. Of course they do!! How can anybody in his sound mind deny this? The argentinians stubbornly insist on their quest to claim ownership on the Falklands only for political reasons. The kelpers live peacefully feeling british, and will remain british for the rest of their lives. I am totally with the U:K:, and the Falklanders. Regards from an ecuadorian born citizen living in Guayaquil.
  • @tjp353
    Please remind us WHY it's Argentine soil. Britain claimed and occupied the Islands before Argentina existed as an independent nation and then retook them in 1833, after they were occupied by Spain and Argentina. Why do you think it's acceptable for Spain/Argentina to take the islands from Britain, but not ok for Britain to take them back?