KronoShaman - Zone 12 - Ruins Of Alterac - (Alterac Mountains Part 4)

Published 2024-06-06
The Ruins of Alterac (or Alterac Ruins)are what remains of the former Alterac City (or the Keep at Alterac)located in the Alterac Mountains. The city was the capital city of the Kingdom of Alterac, until it was attacked and put under martial law by King Terenas Menethil II and the Alliance of Lordaeron for their treason and pact with the Old Horde. Following the fall of the kingdom, the ruins became home to the Crushridge ogres who disputed the territories for years with the Syndicate. During the events of the Fourth War, the New Horde took over the ruins and began to build a major base here in order to keep power over the region.They were not contested by the Alliance, but were spied on.

Bro'kin, a goblin alchemy supplier, can be found on top of the wall in the northern part of the ruins.

During the Second War, Alterac City was ruled by Lord Aiden Perenolde.

Following the battle at Caer Darrow, a number of renegade human soldiers assisting the Old Horde were captured.After being interrogated at Capital City,the prisoners were revealed to be from the kingdom of Alterac. High Command then decreed that the nation of Alterac had committed treason against the Alliance, and Alterac City was then attacked in retaliation by the forces of the other human kingdoms.

An Alteraci prison camp was also situated near Alterac City, containing captured Dalaran citizens. The kingdom was destroyed by the Alliance for their betrayal during the Second War,most of the population abandoned the ruins of their former homes.

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