League's Original 40 Champions: Then and Now | League of Legends

Published 2023-09-10
League of Legends was released in 2009. While still remaining relevant and prospering is impressive in it of itself, it doesn't come without change. This is my explanation on how champions were like back then, compared to now.
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All Comments (21)
  • @lolsnowball_
    I missed some info! It looks like I left out some info on certain champions, the comment section here was kind enough to correct some things. Definitely give them a look! If I used your footage but forgot to credit you, please let me know, I'll make a community post dedicated to it. Ty for watching <3
  • @DeaThfighter44
    Is no one gonna mention that you used to be able to build full AP on Master YI and absolutely 1-shot the entire enemy team and heal your whole HP bar with a single W?
  • @halycon404
    Old Teemo is nothing like new Teemo. His abilities are the same, but that's in a vacuum. His W was so broken they rebalanced all of move speed against it with the soft cap, the move speed softcaps are exactly on Teemo's W thresholds to nerf him. His R didn't used to have a timeout, and they were infinite. A mushroom placed at level 6 would still be there at 40 minutes if no one hit it. The timers on placed items was created to clean up mushroom spam, nerfing Teemo. The change to stealth mechanics, also Teemo shrooms were the cause. Which nerfed him again. In the first few seasons of league Teemo was the canary in the coalmine. They balanced the entire game based on how annoying Teemo was, or how he impacted it. Teemo was a monster. The power budget on his R was much much hire. I've fond memories of true oneshottting a squishy who walked over a shroom while I was on the other side of the map. Seriously, with early Teemo a single shrooms could 100% to 0% health some champions. That got nerfed too.
  • I can't believe you didn't mention the fact that Veigar's ultimate used to not be an execute. It just used to be a huge fuck-off blast of point-and-click magic damage. THAT SCALED WITH YOUR TARGET'S AP TOO
  • @marekstana8991
    Well, Sion used to be played in mid as an AP burst mage and even got some games in pro play (Reginald or Misaya). Rushing boots and 5 Doran rings was the way to go.
  • @whiz1701
    Blitzcrank Q was ALWAYS a skillshot, what may have confused you is the fact that the skillshot range was shown as circle even if it wasn't point and click.
  • @denyel4596
    Ap tristana was the strongest Assassin. At lvl 2 your enemy lost 50% hp, if u hit W and E (point and click). At lvl 6, the enemy was a oneshot. No items needed
  • @scampbell419
    the fiddlesticks fear back in the day would throw a champoin to run in a random direction instead of away from fiddle. its well noted how halarious it was to get feared and immediatly run into the enemy team
  • @snefru
    ZIlean's old Wwas continuously useable but, more importantly, worked on the ult as well. At some point, it seemed like you could keep someone permanently alive if they stayed alive a few seconds after each ult use.
  • @Mymusicaldream
    Old yi had the possibility of playing him ap, which was extremely fun as his heals and qs were massive,paired with the resets!
  • @Malhaloc
    I miss my Sion build. I stacked straight crit damage runes and built 100% crit chance with 350% crit damage (after IE), healing for 100% of the damage dealt. When I ulted, I was unkillable as long as I could attack.
  • @GeneralSecura
    Cho'Gath is definitely not the same exact champion today. His E used to be a toggle, his ult used to get its cooldown reduced when used on minions, he didn't scale infinitely, and he lost half of his ult stacks upon death.
  • @royce5246
    Wow what a trip down memory lane. I’m still scratching my head thinking about the funny changes these champs had and digging up old videos, being amazed at some of this old stuff. That Eve stun from stealth is a thing of nightmares. Fun times, thanks for the video 😊
  • @level20art50
    So far, most of the champions you've said are identical are actually pretty different. Singed: His entire passive was reworked. He didn't originally have any movement speed boost at all. Pretty sure his old passive was something like HP from AP, similar to half of Vladimir's passive. Sivir: Her W and ultimate were both massively changed a little while ago. W was changed from being just her next 3 autos, to all of them within 4 seconds. Her ultimate was changed to reduce the cooldowns of all her basic abilities on-hit. And her E was changed to restore HP instead of mana. Master Yi probably changed the most out of any champion who didn't get a full VGU. His old passive was % chance to trigger on every auto, not just happened every third. His old Q was Highlander, with the same slow immunity and movement and attack speed steroid, but without the possibility to extend the duration. His old W had a really bad heal scaling. His old E was a toggle that cost mana similar to Ashe's old Q, and his old ultimate was Alpha Strike, but with a 5 minute cooldown, 300% AD ratio, and could hit up to 10 targets, but it couldn't hit targets multiple times and didn't have any cooldown refund mechanics like it does now. When he was first reworked into his current kit design, his Q had a 100% AP ratio, and his W had a 300% AP ratio, so people just built AP on him and healed to full in a single second of Meditate while dealing 1-shot damage with Alpha Strike. Annie has also had a model and animations update. The old Annie model also had something that might've been problematic if more people saw it: if she died facing towards the purple base, her skirt would flip up and you would be able to see her panties. Since I only played bots and mid lane back then, and she was one of two bots that could appear in mid lane, and the bots were coded to always run towards their base when they were low health no matter what, this is something that I saw pretty frequently. I'm glad that that animation got changed. I mean, I was like, 11 back then so I didn't really feel creepy, but now that I'm an adult, I feel creepy just knowing that it existed at one point in time and that I saw it. She hasn't changed much kit-wise, but her E had some movement speed attached to it, and Tibbers used to just die when she died. Zilean's W also used to affect his ult CD. And his ult mark for revive lasted 90 seconds. You could have 3 people on your team ulted if you didn't get into a fight long enough and had max CDR. I've heard that original Ryze's E was some sort of toggle that was similar to the old muramana: while active, his autos did bonus damage based on his mana. Other than that, here's an ability rundown: Passive: Pretty much always remained the same, his abilities scale with mana, however back in the day, it also reduced all of his spell's CDs by his Q's CD whenever he cast a spell. During his last iteration before his full VGU, you had to cast 5 spells before you could enter machine gun mode, and doing so gave you movement speed and a shield as well. Q: Was point and click. Otherwise unchanged throughout his entire existence. W: Rooted automatically without needing to combo with E. E: Bounced to other nearby enemies and possibly to Ryze as well, dealing damage with each bounce. It got changed during the last iteration before his full VGU as well to hit the initial target, bounce to all nearby enemies, and then bounce back to his initial target. R: Ultimate Power. Ryze gains movement speed, spell vamp, and his spells all damage surrounding enemies. All in all, as someone who has played Ryze all the way back to season 1, the iteration before his current one has to be my favorite. Stacking up the Runes to get the speed boost, shield, and machine gun mode was so much fun and I wish they'd bring it back. Heimerdinger: His passive was literally just health regen near turrets instead of movement speed. His turrets actually upgraded as you ranked them up. I forget the exact upgrades, but at ranks 3 and 5, they did different things. Upgrade couldn't be used to upgrade his other spells, just the turrets, and it turned all of his existing turrets into fire turrets that dealt bonus damage instead. Biggest change to Alistar outside of what was mentioned was that his Q can now be cast during his W to buffer it to cast immediately after. You used to have to cast it with the perfect timing to get the knockup, which was really hard to do. Kayle: Again, you missed the biggest changes, to her passive and E. Her old passive was that her attacks and abilities would shred the armor of their targets. Her old E was that her attacks dealt more damage, were ranged, and dealt them in AoE for 10 seconds (12 second cooldown, starts on cast). When you got 40% CDR, your E was permanent. Also should be noted about Gangplank: His old E cost him shooting and killing an allied minion with it originally. Yes, he would get the gold for killing the minion. And deny it from his opponent. That actually was a mechanic in early League as a whole that you could attack, kill, and get the gold from your own minions, but Gangplank's E continued to have him kill a minion even after this change was made.
  • @itachi4761
    Damn... kinda miss some of these old champions, i remember having super fun playing full ap nunu in urf spamming E because the enemy couldn't run away due to the slow. Also abusing evelynns stealth by buying sunfire and killing the enemy in secret was hilarious. The fact that i forgot that kayle and alistar got changed is kinda unexpected though... my memory failing me i suppose.
  • @RobertAniFreak
    Just to correct something, Way back Twitch use to be invisible for a whole minute, BUT Eveline use to be invisible forever once maxed out It was a strategy for a while to use multiple Sunflower Cape, turn invisible, and just follow the enemy around and let them burn, as long as you did not attack or use a skill they could not do anything
  • @Toshinegawa
    As someone who played back in season 2, I can fix few minor errors or missing stuff: Soraka - Starcall (Q): also used to reduce enemies Magic Resist by 6, stacking up to 10 times max. Infused used to cost 0 Mana meaning she was giving Mana or Silencing enemies absolutely for free Ashe - Her passive Focus was infamous for being a terrible passive for an ADC/Marksmen. Half the time it felt like she didnt even have a passive to begin with. This was why Support Ashe was actually viable because she could actually use the Passive Annie: Molten Shield (E): Used to only be able to cast on herself, and despite its name, did NOT grant a barrier shield or movement speed buff Amumu: His passive, Cursed Touch used to only be applied by his Auto attacks and instead of causing afflicted eneimes to take percent of true damage from incoming magic damage, it instead just reduced their Magic Resist by a certain amount Nasus: had a different in-game model Morgana: Her W used to be called "Tainted Soil." While functionally similar, the current "Tormented Shadow" Damage is increased by the enemies % of missing health. Tainted Soil on the other hand, reduced the enemies Magic Resist the longer they stayed in the AOE allowing her damage to rack up Dr. Mundo - his W used to be called "Burning Agony" It could be toggled on and off and when active, gave him free tenacity Tristana's Q acts the same way now as it did back then, nothing new Zilean: Rewind (W): Used to also be able to reduce the cooldown of his Ultimate by 10 seconds along with his other abilities Cho'Gath: his E used to be a toggle ability Heimerdinger: Actually, the shots from his turrets used to reduce the Magic Resist of his enemies, if they fought you around your turrets for too long. They also didnt go inactive after some time if Heimerdinger was too far away from them. On paper, his old rockets sounds underwhelming but there was a trick you could use that had zero counterplay. in the laning phase, wait until there's 1 or 2 minions left then walk up and fire. the enemy couldnt do anything about it because they auto lock. Finally, his Ultimate let him fire 5 rockets, his grenade traveled faster but the true power was to his turrets which now fired ice shots that slows the enemy Katarina: There's actually two Katarinas actually, the one on release, and the first rework before she got reworked to who she is now. Original Katarina: Had a different in-game model. Bouncing Blade (Q) Could hit up to 5 enemies BUT only if you level it up. it dealt full damage to main target while those hit by the bounce took slightly less damage Her original W was called Killer Instincts and passively gave attack speed if she hit the same target. when activated, it allowed her Q to do full damage to all those it hit, and also reduced healing they could get. it also increased her Dodge chance if she used Shunpo. Her Ultimate also had a small channel time BEFORE she actually started throwing daggers for the attack. / 2nd Katarina: Her Q was changed to have the max 5 Bounce regardless of level compared to now where it can only bounce two times.
  • @sionstrong9375
    So a little fun fact, Master Yi was actually the first champion to ever receive a rework. Originally his Q and ult were swapped, his W costed too much for too little heal, and his E just gave him a bunch of extra AD. You'd think this sucked, but no. Because his Alpha Strike R had a 400% AD Scaling and could crit. Basically if you stacked IEs on him you'd deal 2.8k per hit.
  • @diamondsword7972
    i still remember the days of old nunu right before the rework. max E and then W and run predator so your next snowball would literally 1 shot the adc