Do You Have a GENIUS Startup Idea?

Published 2023-01-09
📚 COOL BOOKS (they inspired parts of this video)
- Become a master of user Interviews with this one 👉🏻
- Build startups the minimalist way with this one 👉🏻

What do you do when you get that tempting startup idea? Before going and building it, wait! And watch this video! Problem validation is one of the most overlooked when building a new product, and it can save you months of time + loads of money that you would have spent building the wrong thing.

Exclusive videos about tech, behind the scenes of how I make videos and building stuff on the internet

🖖 Hey! I'm Enrico and I am a Product Manager working in tech. On this channel I go behind the scenes of the design, psychology and stories behind technology and the products we use everyday.





[email protected]

0:00 Your startup idea will fail, unless..
0:52 You Don't Need a Solution
1:51 Find the (right) audience
3:23 Validate!
4:52 How to not destroy your interviews
6:05 Validation Hacks
7:04 How to reduce your investment

All Comments (21)
  • @4mb127
    For someone who has actually made a living on selling products to customers, this is actually pretty good advice.
  • @pskocik
    Customer validation vs. "my customers would just want faster horses" is a decades old dilemma. There's downsides to validation too. If you have a sufficiently unique idea and are fairly certain of a market need, it might be better to just go ahead and build it instead of giving better financed competition tips, IMO. I think startups are like bio-evolution. All kinds of organisms succeed despite employing sometimes completely opposite strategies.
  • @ArkhamCookie
    Sometimes solving a problem that saves you enough time is worth it even if it isn't your big idea. Even it fails, you still gain something from it. Good video.
  • Best strategy is just do something that has already worked for someone else, but do it better, or faster, or cheaper, or any combination of those.
  • I can't wait for your channel to reach 100k within a few months if you keep uploading these quality of a video. Glad I found your channel. Almost have watched everything here. You're awesome dude!
  • Thank you. This is the best Startup validation idea video I have watched, particularly because of the end. I had a startup idea, I watched a few videos on YouTube for validating a startup idea, they all kept warning of building something no one wants, but this made me realize that I am not loosing anything by going ahead to build it, since I'm a designer and I would use no code tools. The idea is actually solving the problem that I had, and I am passionate about solving it, such that even if no one would pay for it, I would still build it just for myself.
  • amazing channel. Its truly rare to find content with a good topic, facts, easy logical explanation and valid viewpoints supported with expertise in the field. Hope you gain a lot of success on the youtube platform. 👍👍
  • U have good communication style bro I enjoyed ur logical reasoning behind the facts u stated.
  • @joshngarcia
    Enrico I can't wait to see the kind of content you're producing in three months when you have 100K subscribers. This video gave me just what I needed to hear. Looking forward to more!
  • @pjn2001
    Very good video, with excellent advice. Your channel will rocket if you keep on putting out content like this. I'll be rooting for you.
  • @tahasilat7394
    Just discovered this channel last month and am loving everything that I've seen on it so far!
  • @CCatholics
    Enrico - Love your video’s! Just discovered you a few weeks ago when you ‘only’ had about 5,000k subs, and as of this comment you’re up to 24K! That’s incredible, great job!
  • @MrRamenTree
    This is one of the most useful videos I've ever seen! And I don't even care about startups. This is useful for inteviews, starting a new project, and just being a better communicator.
  • @sonniiiiii
    A detailed video on how one can analyse their environment to find potential startup opportunities would be very helpful. Btw it's a great video on startup idea validation!
  • @chrisbeog
    That’s actually a brilliant idea about having similar people to you and your niche connecting that would be lovely for those interested
  • @LSambo02
    @Enrico. This is probably the most straight forward and insightful content about building product I’ve found on the internet. Thank you!
  • @grandmat2561
    That's what makes being a programmer awesome. I have an idea, I make it, I share it online, if people want to use it they do, or they don't, and I don't care because I had fun making it
  • @joeygarza9550
    I want to build (or buy, if I win the lotto) a rocket that will launch me into the sun. People don't know they want it, but believe me, as this dream comes closer to becoming a reality... people will want it.