Controversial Thoughts 7/2: Neu5Gc and Rhonda

Is Neu5Gc something to worry about? Find out in this video and in my book! Take home: Nope! Humans have been eating it for 3 million years, not an issue- don't be misled.

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コメント (21)
  • If Neu5Gc were found in plants it would been classified as a phytonutrient that helps train your immune system and makes you live longer and people would start selling extracts of it in capsules.
  • Dude you're on it! I saw that newsletter this morning and immediately wanted to know your thoughts.
  • Sometimes I wonder if Rhonda is actually looking at nutrition through the eye of evolution or she is simply trying to justify her green smoothies.
  • We have also discussed this in our video on red meat concerns. It is plausible that neu5gc is an adaptation to give us a multiple defenses against pathogens, since they can bind to neu5gc and others neu5ac. Neu5gc is also protective against cholera.
  • I’ve been telling everyone that you’re my new Rhonda Patrick. I’ve traded in the broccoli sprouts for the raw liver 🤟🏽
  • @shellderp
    you really need a podcast with Rhonda! Would love to hear two people passionate about nutrition discuss everything
  • @dbjmk8083
    She ran from the conversation on oxalates and antinutrients in her most recent appearance on JRE.
  • He disrespected her and told her to go eat broccoli.. then said he wasn't disrespecting her.
  • @The1belal
    Rhonda means well, she'll eventually come around once she tries zero fiber for herself. The carni diet just sounds unbelievable to most. One only has to try it for a few months to become a firm believer. Thank you Paul, you and Baker have taught me a lot. Be well.
  • I agree with you in many ways. Why is it that we could eat beef for a very long time and now it's a health problem. Is it possible that we are being sensitize to the beef? Vaccines have beef serum and protiens in them. Is it possible that we are getting these vaccines with beef proteins and it is training our bodies to recognize the protein as a foreign Invader and that's why we are producing antibodies to this beef sugar molecule. 🤷 Just an idea that I am tossing out there. Let me know what you think. It would be easy to figure out if vaccines are causing the problem by looking at vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals to see who are producing antibodies against this beef sugar. molecule.
  • I thought of you immediately when this email came into my mailbox.. lol.
  • @JYAN2852
    Dr Steve Gundry also advises against eating red meat with Neu5Gc. He's very adamant about this probably based on this mouse study you referenced
  • @rndst6
    Paul!!! You ROCK brother!!!
  • @bate181
    Waiting for the Paul vs. Rhonda massacre....I mean debate
  • @nali1334
    Saw Rhonda's article, immediately came here.....just like everyone else here. Phew!!
  • The argument would be when we lost the ability to make vitamin C it became bad for us. (But we need it and we eat it.)