The Future of Architecture: A look beyond the AI hype

Published 2023-10-24
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We're well aware of the current AI hype and how it has the potential to reshape the Architecture Practice. It can be both exciting and frustrating, given the uncertainties it brings. However, it's important to differentiate between the hype and the actual developments happening in the field.
In this conversation, we chat with Olly Thomas, the Design Specialist Manager at BIG London, who offers a firsthand look at these changes. You'll come to realize that things are not always as they seem. This discussion promises to alter your perspective on the current state of architecture and AI.

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All Comments (21)
  • Great interview Oliver and Steven, this was super fun to listen to. Even though I went to Architecture school just like you guys, I mostly do ArchViz as my main work so if anyone is scared of AI, it'd be me 😂 However, with any new tech and inventions that come out I think it'll create a bigger gap between the ones who are willing to learn to adapt and those who aren't. I've been going down the AI rabbit hole myself and what I learned was definitely scary, it's more capable than we think. But I'm also an optimist in that I think if we put in the work, we can learn how to utilize it as a tool to enhance our skills rather being replaced by it. Keep up the great content! ❤
  • Sadly, from my observations over the past 30 years of my design career in architecture and related design practices, the landscape doesn’t care much about the “thinking”, this is maybe most evident in Netflix leveraging their data to script stories with actors driven by the data. The “thinking” value proposition will be subverted as quickly as possible by those with the capital. I think we’re looking at the last gasps of the practice
  • Good job Oliver and Steven. The topics discussed in this video are quite relavant especially to students. Keep em coming guys!! 👍👍
  • @victortrying
    Oh, I agree about the excitement surrounding Unreal. Even as an actual design tool, I can see a future in real-time rendering. On the other hand, AI, which I have been using lately, doesn't excite me as much. AI, as broad a term as it has become, has its place. But as long as it's unable to track parts of your project in a 3D space (meaning image-generators such as Midjourney are only limited "artists" at this point) and adjust documentation accordingly, interact with our BIM environment and... tell people what to do on site (lol)... it's only a tool. And, sure, as with the tech revolution that came with the internet, early adopters will have an advantage.
  • @todoesarq
    Very needed discussion and lot of valuable info here! Great to see you all togther, greetings from Mexico guys! Viviano
  • @luistitus
    Really great content! Olly’s insight in Ai is impressive, he communicates clearly the stand of Ai right now, Thanks Oliver and Steven for putting the work for this conversations to happen, both for students and the ones who are now finishing archi school like myself.
  • @TN3DStudio
    This right here is a good conversation. Olly said it best at @8:18 . As architects and Arch Viz artist we are hired to solve problems through creativity and that is irreplaceable. Ai is amazing, and we should be able to do better works because of it. I imagine how AI will progress in a year, and AR is just around the corner once tech catches up it.. Looking forward to Part 2 a year from now. hopefully Mr. Clippy comes back lol Hats off to You and Oliver for this.
  • @aliyukabir7201
    This is a very exciting and engaging video. Thank you, Oliver and Steven, for bringing Oily to discuss this very important subject. One can listen to him for hours.Awesome insights as always.Honestly didn't want it to end.
  • @tatedesmet
    Very informative, a must watch for any current students.
  • @krishnan0586
    Amazing discussion Olly, Steven & Oliver! I could relate to some of the points you guys touched upon. AI is definitely here to stay, but what and how Architects use it for is just unclear at the moment I feel, and for any technologist/specialist who deals with such tools on a daily basis, it is quite difficult to keep up with the new releases, given the rapid growth of AI. Great conversation you guys, really brings to perspective what large architecture companies look for and what Olly said is quite relatable. Thank you for this! #TeamATN
  • @gbxgbxgbx
    As with everything in AI now - it's just a matter of time. Unless people choose to stop it. With architecture, it's really just a matter of some company making a carefully crafted app, that connect few features. One feature would be plan drafting - a robust software would take inputs for law restrictions, area, all rules, the output would be the plan, then style input, 3 dimensional restrictions, height etc. the output would be few possible buildings, the one picked could be then QUICKLY refined, also by AI, only guided by a human. One ready building with all measures, according to law, in few hours of work. We are just few years away now. Unfortunately. Unless we stop it. But we won't most likely.
  • @aaineesheikh
    As an architecture graduate with drafting, photo editing, model making, and writing skills, I am eager to join your team. Passionate about analyzing buildings and interiors, I'm excited to contribute to your dynamic content. Hope to discuss potential opportunities soon.
  • @jamespope2414
    Where are some good resources/blogs/channels to keep up to date with all things AI in architecture? I would love to know more and be good at it but I can't keep up with all the different softwares and constant developments
  • @mrmehbob8244
    I wouldn't agree with the 3D print versus model building. The value in building a model by hand is not only seeing the finished product, but you also get a understanding of the structure and detail of the model you are making. You notice things that you wouldn't do. (See 30x40 video about model making for example). A render is something you want visualized, and is not interactive in the same way, where i see AI be more applicable. Would appreciate others thoughts on this:)
  • @YesCivic-R
    Perhaps, AI assists in 3D rendering in 360 of the object and deep learning into the underround garage space inside for instance, so the whole object can be view from externally and toward to internally like a real time movie clip. It could be an advange in productivity, taken 50% more projects with same amount of resource.